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Audition Tips

Auditions are crucial for actors as it makes or breaks their careers. Here are a few tips to successfully impress a casting director so you can ace those auditions!

1. Be prepared!

– It is very important that you know what exactly your auditioning for. Know your monologue inside and out. Be one with your character. Also be prepared to perform any requested material from your casting director.

– Make sure that you fit the part. If the casting director is looking for a 60 year old, grumpy and intimidating grandma, dont show up if you happen to be all peppy and if you look young. Make sure you are exactly what they are looking for because they probably wont change the whole script just for you.

– That being said, make sure you have read and understood the guidelines of the audition. Adhere to them and you should be okay.

– Bring head shots and a resume. Even if they say they dont need one, bring one just in case. Its always better to be prepared and organized!

2. Be a Pro!

– Punctuality and reliability go hand in hand for casting directors. If you show up for your audition 15 minutes early, this already shows a great first impression!

– Be polite and be courteous. No casting director wants to cast a rude and arrogant diva, no  matter how talented you may be.

3. Dress to impress

– Do not wear costumes, sports wear or casual wear. Act as though this audition is a job interview. Dress business casual unless otherwise specified.

– Ladies, if your going to wear heels, make sure you can walk confidently in them. Make sure they dont hurt your feet.


These tips should help you impress any casting director! Good luck to all those auditioning for parts this week !


MAX Agency Talent shoots Secret Music

Congratulations to Michelle K. as she shoots a top secret music video today. Michelle was selected from her photo. By the sounds of it this video is sure to be a smash hit! We wish you all the best today Michelle!

