Category Archives: MAX Agency Bookings

MAX Agency Models booked MARC ANTHONY Cosmetics video and photo shoot

The fact of the matter is, we look to Hollywood for many things: good laughs, good gossip and good hair. Just because most of us dont have a professional glam squad at the ready to perfect our styles each morning, doesnt mean women dont get inspired. MAX Agency Models Claire M. and Madeleine A. get to show off their luscious locks for the Marc Anthony new hair highlighting product.

Literally, from the basement of the original Marc Anthony Salon came a line of professional hair products so renowned that they can now be found internationally. Marc Anthony products began because he wanted to ensure that all of his clients kept their salon-fresh look wherever they went.

Once again a big congratulations to MAX Agency Toronto Talent for booking this amazing gig!

For more information regarding booking any of Max Agencys Talent or if youre interested in becoming a talent or model with MAX Agency, please contact us at 416-482-5392 or visit 

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MAX Agency Toronto Talent book PCDI Canada TV Commercial

MAX Agency has been a staple of the Toronto model and acting industry for many years now, and it already looks like it will be another exciting and productive year in 2012. MAX Agency is happy to announce Deeyan D, Maureen H, Cherilyn H, Diana H, Brett N, Jason M, and Mark C. for booking PCDI Canada TV commercial.

Many adults find themselves going back to school whether or not they attended college previously. This can be for many reasons from a change in career direction or just out of interest. Online schooling has been a welcome change for many adults because of the flexibility that comes with it. They have to make sure that the school schedule won’t adversely affect them on the job or they will still have time to take care of their families.
PCDI Canada is a respected, worldwide leader in distance education. Offering professional-level career training courses to adult students who prefer the flexibility and convenience of self-paced home study. PCDI opened their doors in 1987, offering just one career training course. Interest quickly grew, and gradually expanded their course offerings.

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