Category Archives: Client News

Max Agency Featured New Talent – Phil R!

Max Agency is excited to introduce one of our newest talents, Phil R.!

“I am a comedian who does improv, stand-up, and sketch comedy; and am now trying acting. I like to write just as much as I love performing.”

“I am well known for always wearing a hat, and an endless supply of colourful outfits. I take on any opportunity that appears in front of me so that I can have as many new experiences as possible.”

“When Im not performing or rehearsing, I am competing in or playing a variety of sports such as rugby, soccer, hockey, and taekwondo. I love learning languages and am currently learning
Spanish and Russian. Creativity and freedom drive me to be the best I can be!”

We are thrilled to have Phil joining our roster and cant wait to see the gigs he lands!

Max Agency is one of the top Toronto talent agencies representing menwomen and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

If you love performing as much as Phil, apply to join our roster today:

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here!

Jade O – Showcase Saturday! – Toronto Acting Agency

Welcome back to Showcase Saturday here at Max Agency — a successful Toronto acting agency in Canada representing menwomen and children.

This week we will be featuring the wise and talented, Jade O.!

An introduction to Jade:

“My name is Jade Selena O’Donnell. My background is Trinidadian and Canadian, with my mom being from Trinidad and Tobago and my dad being Canadian.”

Her acting/modelling journey:

“I started developing a passion for acting and modelling around the age of seven.  Since then I have been in several plays, including musicals and dance recitals, as well as a few photo shoots.  In my last year of elementary school, I was recommended to audition for the Drama program that was offered through the Regional Arts Program at a high school in my community.  Upon auditioning I was chosen out of the ninety auditions and accepted along with sixteen other students to have Drama as my major throughout my high school academic years.  This is something I am very proud off and I continue to work hard at maintaining a good standing within the program.”

“Upon graduating from my elementary school, I was also awarded the award for Dramatic Arts.  In my Regional Arts Drama Program, I have learned and gained many experiences that has helped me to gain a better concept of the role of an actor. ”

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Jades Hobbies:

“In my spare time, I enjoy photography, making and editing YouTube videos, skating, hiking and traveling with my family. ”

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Favourite memory with Max so far:

“My experience with Max Agency has been one that has been very exciting.  I am new to this agency and I was very thrilled at meeting my booking agent and hearing about the exciting, possibilities that I can encounter through this company. ”

Best advice she has received:

“My best advice about acting has been one that I have received was from my Drama teacher; and the advice was when taking over a role, dig deep into your personal connections and emotions to portray the character more realistically but never let your emotions get the best of you. I feel as though since I’ve heard this I have been able to connect deeper with the character I am portraying.”

Follow Jade on Instagram: @jadeselena

Do you have a child or teenager that has a passion for acting like Jade? Apply to join our roster now:

Max Agency is a successful Toronto kid modeling management agency in Canada representing menwomen and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here!

Max Agency Featured New Talent: Stacey S! – Toronto Modeling Agencies

Max Agency – one of the most successful Toronto modeling agencies- is pleased to introduce our new talent: Stacey S!

“I have a background in nursing and finances and have always found that there was something missing. Just recently, I had a job opportunity to move to Toronto. This is where all my dreams came true.”

“I started a career where I was able to pursue my passion for travelling and see the genuine world we live in. With that came the best opportunity of all, the day I got scouted to work with Max Agency. Ever since I was about 6 yrs old, I have always
dreamed of being a model or actress and to be one of those flawless and beautiful women on the face of magazines and TV shows.”

“Max Agency has made a life long dream a reality. They have brought out the confidence in me to truly shine in this career. With no prior experience, I am so eager and ecstatic to shine bright like a diamond.”

“I am delighted and honoured to be a part of such a wonderful and inspiring community. I recently moved form Calgary, AB about 2 months ago. I was looking for a dramatic change and for amazing opportunities that a huge city like Toronto has.

“With the support of my friends and family back in Calgary, I am so excited and proud to call Toronto my new home and my journey here has been nothing but exciting! Moral of this short story, keep dreaming, not scheming!”

If you are as determined and optimistic about acting/modelling opportunities as Stacey, apply to join our roster now:


For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here!