How to look more beautiful naturally

Make up is a great way to express  yourself and enhance your features. But for many reasons, a natural look may be what you are after. It may be a day spent in a rush, you may be in the mood for a fresh no-makeup look, or…you may have been called in for an audition (Yay!) that requires  you to show your natural features. 

No fret! In this article, we are sharing tips to make you feel confident with minimal or no makeup.

1. Drink your Water!

We have heard it countless of times, you gotta hydrate. Water flushes out toxins from your body, making your skin look brighter and revitalized.  

Keeping hydrated improves the elasticity of your skin which is great to prevent premature againg and wrinkles. It also decreases flaky skin caused by dry skin.

2. What you eat shows on your skin

Have a balanced diet with lots of fruits, veggies, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids rich food. It will not only help you look good, it will make you feel good. Eat your way to your best self!

3. Beauty Sleep

Being well rested is essential to look fresh and glowing.  Say goodbye to those dark circles with a good nights sleep. Your body and skin needs rest to repair itself and recharge so it can be at its best the next day!

4. Build a good skincare routine

 Create a skincare routiine for your skin type and be consistent with it. Start simple with the essentials: Cleanse, Tone, Moisturize. And then add in serums as per your skin needs. And…never go to bed without removing your makeup, its not worth it!

5. Exfoliation for fresh skin

As part of your routine, include regular exfoliation. It is  essential to buff away dead skin cells and clear those clogged pores. Exfoliation reveals new skin that will make you look glowing!

6. Never skip sunscreen

The best thing to do for your skin i sto protect it from the harsh UV rays. Exposure to the sun can caus epremature ageing, hyperpigmentation, and worse of all, skin cancer. Do it for your future self and wear that sunscreen daily!

7. Do not neglect your hair

Your hair is the biggest accessory to your overall look, so do not forget to take care of it. Trim off the ends regualrly to keep looking healthy, keep that scalp healthy by washing regularly with the right shampoo/conditioner combo for you, and make time fo a hair mask every now and then. 


A smile can do wonders! It makes you look bright, happy and youthful. So a beautiful smile is what we are after.

Do not be lazy with your oral hygiene routine. Brush, floss and visit your dentist regularly. Keep those teeth looking clean and white!

Smiling helps to lift your mood and those of others around you too, so go ahead and smile more!

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto acting agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

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The spotlight on Pamela Defino – TOP Model Agency Toronto

Meet Pamela Defino, a hardworking and beautiful Toronto model and actor!



Pamela is a loving wife and mother of 3 children. She grew up in the small town of Stoufville, Ontario. As a little girl, she enjoyed acting and being on stage.

She was determined to become an actress since then! She has won numerous regional public speaking awards, and was accepted into the prestigious Arts York Dramatic Arts Program at Unionville High School. 



Since starting modeling recently, she was published several times in Toronto Sun as their sunshine girl, she has done 3 magazine covers and was featured in MAXIM (pictured above). She just wrapped up shooting for Playboy too!

In her spare time, she loves racing 1100 Horsepower race cars at a 1/4 mile race track and she also enjoys high fashion photoshoots with her husband, who is a published photographer.

Her dream is a recurring acting role in a TV Drama series. 
What is the best advice you have received about getting in the industry? 
“If you are in an audition and the director asks you to do a second run and do the role a different way its a good thing. It means you did something they like and they want to explore your range. Dont get nervous or doubt yourself in those situations.”
Her advice to new Toronto actors and models
“Build your resume!  If you are new to the industry enrol in acting classes and student films, not only will it build your resume but these experiences will better prepare you for auditions.”
Pamela Definos experience with Toronto Modeling Agency, MAX Agency
“My family at Max Agency has been extremely supportive and work hard to help me achieve my career goals. They are constantly pushing for me in the industry and I am forever grateful for their assistance, positive energy and experience.”

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto acting agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

Do you dream of acting and modeling like Pamela? Apply now to be discovered

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster!

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Toronto Talent agency features actor Bobby Cole

Meet Bobby Cole. He is a talented Toronto actor who is part of Max Agencys roster!

Bobby who has Ukrainian roots, has been in various job positions over the years, including being a talent scout and manager for 5 years! Every time he starts a new job, he rushes back to the entertainment industry because that is where he feels the most alive. 

How did you get into acting?

“As a child, I always knew I wanted to be in the entertainment business. I just had to figure out the first steps and I havent looked back since. Halfway through my 3rd semester in College, I decided to get a background agent and the snowball started rolling. Soon after, I joined the Second City Training Centre for beginner classes and by the time I finished my 5th class, I was already auditioning for their conservatory class.

I went to business school prior to Second City so I had zero knowledge of improv but I did get casted for the one year program, so that was a very surreal feeling. I loved every second of it. Who knows, maybe Ill give it another shot for the Conservatory Program. I highly recommend any one who is starting off in this business to start at Second City. For me it was the perfect platform to find my place in this ever growing business. “

 Any memorable moments from set?

“My most memorable role with Max Agency has been the role of HERB ABRAMS in THE DARK SIDE OF THE RING series. COCAINE and COWBOY BOOTS is the name of the episode. It was a very intense few days on set. I dont remember much of being on set and I live vicariously through what Im told.
I lived through similar situations as the character did in real life, so I instantly went in to that mindset and ran with it.  About a month ago, I filmed another episode for the same show, playing a totally different character, and the crew was calling me Herb when they realized it was me. Its a feeling that really grounds you and reassures you that youve done the job they hired you for and to continue growing as an actor.”
Bobby shares, “When I read a script for the role of any character, I try to look at the similarities between the character and me. I look for phrases or even bad habits that we share, or shared, together. I think thats why I morphed into Herb Abrams so well, Ive lived some of the things he has. I instantly forget the crew or the camera and I just focus on the take. I let it flow as its supposed to and if it doesnt, we do it again.”
Bobby took a break from the business for a while, so he is now hungry for more! He would love to play the role of a psycho whom his audience will remember for  a long time, the character who has the grossest death in a horror, an action lead, or a role in  a cheeky romcom. The  more versatile the role, the better! 
What is the best advice that you have received about getting in the industry?
“The best advice I got when I started in this industry was from a colleague who once told me, “EVERY MOVE, A PICTURE”, interpret it as you wish. My advice to anyone is “WHEN YOU THINK YOURE AT YOUR WEAKEST, YOURE ACTUALLY AT YOUR STRONGEST. BECAUSE YOU KEEP PUSHING FORWARD. I say this to anyone who needs to hear it, regardless if its on set or in real life, it gives people and yourself that extra push to keep going.”
Bobbys experience with Max Agency

Max agency is a successful Model and Talent Management agency in Toronto representing men, women, and children in providing models, actors, and entertainers for the film, television, fashion, and advertising industries. 

Do you have a passion for modeling and acting like Marshall? Apply to be discovered now!

For more daily content, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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