Tag Archives: tip

Tip Tuesday – Self Confidence for Auditions

#TipTuesday is a series MAX Agency — one of the top Toronto talent agencies  — does every week where we share helpful tips for the industry. This could be tips on auditions, bookings, beauty, fashion and more!


All of our talent at MAX Agency is very passionate and enthusiastic; that’s why they are here!

We all get so excited when our talent lands auditions and gets booked for a project.

However, since there are only so many jobs available for these kinds of talent, it can sometimes become overwhelming to those starting out in this industry.

Specifically discussing acting, Robert Curtiss in his article “How Acting Affects Your Self-Esteem” writes about how some actors can become very overwhelmed. 

“They audition and take every job they dont get as a personal rejection and a comment on who they are.”

While not every audition works out, it’s important to remember that it’s admirable to even have achieved an audition.  Talent works so hard to get to this position, and it’s truly impressive to be auditioning in this industry.

It is obvious that the auditioning process can be draining at times, but maintaining a positive attitude is imperative.  Talent needs to remain confident and self-assured. 

“When people who need validation and attention pursue this career in show business, frequently become bitter and resentful that they have to convince people to like them, to hire them, etc. Thus, they sabotage themselves precisely for the same reason they chose this career in the first place!”

Remember to remain self-confident.  Talent speaks for itself!


Good luck from MAX Agency!



MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

For more weekly tips, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

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Tip Tuesday – Balance

#TipTuesday is a series MAX Agency — one of the top Toronto talent agencies  — does every week where we share helpful tips for the industry. This could be tips on auditions, bookings, beauty, fashion and more!

Maintaining a balance in life can be difficult when times get busy.  Especially if you are pursuing a career in the talent industry, your schedule can get hectic. 

Below are some amazing tips on maintaining balance from Success:

1. Assess your life as it is now.

Looking at ourselves as we really are is the first step in restructuring our lives. Do you feel physically exhausted, mentally stagnant or find yourself without close relationships? Would you call yourself a workaholic? Do you feel a lack of spiritual alignment? If you answer yes to any of these questions, your life is probably out of balance.

2. Make a conscious decision to become balanced.

Choosing reality as our basis of decision is the second step to becoming balanced. Achieving balance allows us to reach our goals and our purpose in life while creating less stress to do so. A conscious decision to change is now in order.

3. And make that decision on a minute-to-minute schedule.

We are all instant forgetters. Remember all those resolutions you made way back in January? Renewing our decisions on a daily, minute-to-minute basis allows us to ease into change, instead of expecting things to change overnight.

4. Set goals in every area of your life.

Set realistic goals in all areas of your life to assist yourself in remembering that your ultimate goal is balance. Your goals should cover:

• Your relationships
• Your physical being
• Your spiritual alignment
• Your mental development
• Your job
• Your finances

5. Be willing to take the risk.

Being willing to assess ourselves and take the risk to change will not only enhance our lives, but you will feel more energy and an expanded awareness of what life is all about. Acknowledging that balance is essential and recreating your life to encompass your decision is worth all the risk.

6. Make time to reassess yourself on a daily basis.

None of us can really know how well we are doing with change in our lives unless we are willing to reassess our position. Don’t feel that your decisions are made in concrete; if something feels that it isn’t working, be willing to look at a new decision. Make time for yourself every day, in a quiet meditative state, to relax and “check yourself out.”


MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

For more weekly tips, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

If you want to join our rosterapply here

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Tip Tuesday – Connections!

#TipTuesday is a series MAX Agency — one of the top Toronto talent agencies  — does every week where we share helpful tips for the industry. This could be tips on auditions, bookings, beauty, fashion and more!


Whether it be your personal, family or work life, making connections with others is imperative for success.


Especially within the talent industry, making positive connections with others will help you in the long run.  Regardless of who the person you meet is, you never know when a positive relationship will benefit you.


People often discuss how who you know is important; that is true.  The person you smiled to and had small talk with may be able to help you in the future. 

While many people struggle with being outgoing or “putting themselves out there”, this doesn’t have to be daunting. 


For example, making positive first impressions is easy.  Be mindful of your mannerisms.  Ask yourself: Are you approachable?  Are you smiling?  What’s your body language like?

Whether it’s small talk with another talent at an audition or simply presenting yourself in a positive manor in an audition, these little things really can help you in the future.


Remember to always be mindful of how you come across to others! 


MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

For more weekly tips, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

If you want to join our rosterapply here

To see our awesome talent check out our roster!

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