Tag Archives: Toronto Model Management

Toronto Talent Agency – Talent Spotlight – Alexander C.

Todays Talent Spotlight is Alexander C.- actor, director, photographer, and filmmaker.

Alexander has an impressive resume that shows his passion for the film industry. Read on to learn more about his experience and his vision.

Toronto Talent Agency – Alexander C. – Actor, director, photographer, video designer

Alexander found his passion for performance since elementary school. His play Sunshine (2009) was chosen to be staged when he was in high school. He has also directed plays such as David Ives Foreplay, or The Art of Fugue (2010). 

He later attented Theatre school where he developed his acting, directing, and storytelling skills. He was interested in finding ways to join drama and technology together. 

Alexs work as the sound/video designer for a collaborative production called Fragmentos (2014) won him an award for his creative use of video projections. 

His theatre acting experience includes playing Sebastian in Shakepeares Twelfth Night, Or What You Will (2013), Lurvey in Charlottes Web (2009), and the male-lead in an indepedently written student production entitled Runner (2011).


Max Agency Talent – Alexander C. – Toronto Acting Agency

Alexander began exploring the world of Television and film when studying at the Toronto Film Academy, appearing as Dracula in the docu-drama Gothic Forensics (2020), Rogelio in the second season of OXYGEN Networks An Unexpected Killer (2021), a number of short films including Kings (2019), Dire Straits (2020), and Stoned Cold Killers (2020), and a background performer in Apple TVs hit TV series See (2020).

His passion for merging drama and technology has led him to create Waking World Productions. He started by making creative videos of live performances, large events, and concerts where he worked with a number of bands and musicians. Hes also worked to create promotional content for numerous clients.

Alexanders Career Goals

“My passion is for both performance and creation, and my career choice has always tried to encompass the two.

My official “Vision” is “Through the creation of visually and psychologically engaging media, or through the embodiment of a character, I seek to explore our place in society by navigating the realities, frailties, and ironies of the human condition

Truthfully, my goal is to perform in and create as many provoking, truthful, and compelling pieces of film and media that deal with the nature of our humanity.

Right from when I was young, I understood the power and influence of film & performance, and I’ve made it my goal to be part of that!”

Alexander C. – Toronto Acting Agency

His vision for Waking World Productions

“My goal for Waking World Productions is to create feature films and television content with influences from a variety of different cultures, styles, ideologies, and even spiritualities – preferably with a healthy dose of humour!

The bulk of the projects I’ve worked on have been freelance content – only just recently have I begun the transition into more self-produced content, including my first short film entitled “Jack”, set to release publicly this month.

I currently have a comedic web series, “How to Be Human” and a genre-bending feature film “(i)F” in development”

What ignited your passion for this industry?

“I remember watching movies as a kid and being so changed by them. I knew it was something I was meant to do.

As far back as I can remember, I wanted to act. I was even The Littlest Elf in daycare! But by the time I was in high school, I discovered a new passion for writing and directing as well.

I eventually attended school for theatre and transitioned into screen-acting post-graduation.”

Toronto Acting Agencys talent, Alexander C.

Were you always a creative person, or is that something that you have developed with experience?

“I’ve been told I was – The sort of kid that could find a way to have fun with a rock haha. But I definitely remember making a voice-over comic with my best friend using PowerPoint when I was in grade school. It was terrible, but it happened.

I always had a passion for photography, and after University I worked with a friend hosting concerts & music festivals where I could really explore the creative freedoms of producing video content.

I’ve always enjoyed writing and sometimes I can be pretty okay at it. Don’t ask me to draw though…”

What advice do you have for those who have dreams like you but are afraid to take the first step?

Just do it. I mean, what is there to lose? Maybe you’re back where you started, maybe it’s the best decision you ever made?

Max Agency actor – Alexander C. – Toronto Talent Agency

To book Alexander, or anyone else on our brilliant roster of Max Talent, please contact bookings@maxagency.com or call our office at 416-482-5394.

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto modeling agency representing menwomen and children. MAX provides talent for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

For weekly MAX Agency news, updates, and Industry tips, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

If you want to join our rosterapply here.

To see our awesome talent check out our roster.

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Have any questions? Read our FAQ or contact us at info@maxagency.com

Model Agency Toronto- Acting Agency – New Talents

We’re so excited to introduce brand new Talent that’s been added to our fabulous roster of accomplished models, actors, and entertainers this week. 

Are you interested in joining our elite group of models and actors? MAX Agency is seeking new male and female Talent to fill roles in TV, Film, Print, Modeling Campaigns and so much more! Don’t wait another day to pursue your dreams, fill out an application with Canada’s leading Agency today!

Let’s welcome new #MaxTalent, Abdulnasser A., Kirsten H., and Anthony P.

To book Abdulnasser, Kirsten, Anthony, or anyone else on our brilliant roster of Max Talent, please contact bookings@maxagency.com or call our office at 416-482-5394.

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto modeling agency representing menwomen and children. MAX provides talent for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

For weekly MAX Agency news, updates, and Industry tips, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

If you want to join our rosterapply here.

To see our awesome talent check out our roster.

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Have any questions? Read our FAQ or contact us at info@maxagency.com

Toronto modeling – Toronto acting agency – Talent Spotlight – Carol P.

Meet Carol P., our Talent Spotlight of the day!

Carol has had a life full of challenges including a robbery, being held at gunpoint, house fires, and a life threatening accident. But she has remained positive to show her daughters to remain strong when life throws you a curveball. 

She makes her the most of her time with her family and life! She decided to take a leap and invest in herself by joining Max Agency.

Carol P. – Model and actor at top model agency in Toronto, Max agency

Carol is a mom of 2 and a grandmother of 5. She moved to Oshawa 25 years ago as a single mom to find work and support her family. It has been her home ever since.

Carol worked at a pub in Whitby where they were collecting funds for local children who would do without at Christmas. They got a list of childrens names and ages from local family services, Salvation Army, childrens aid, etc. What they called The Grinch Fund would be used to buy Christmas gifts for the children.

The night before Christmas Eve turned out to be one that she will never forget. As she was covering a shift for a good friend, she saw 2 men in masks come out the kitchen door, one holding a gun and the other a knife. She instantly felt “scared to death”.

Carol P. – Toronto Talent agencys model

Carol recalls, “I felt angry when the gun-wielding one was leading me to the cash register and asking about the safe and my purse. When we were on the floor in the front of the house and it had been quiet for a few minutes I pulled out of the tape and ripped it at my ankles and sneaked to the kitchen window in the door to see if they had gone – they had and they had taken the whole safe!

I saw the cook come through the door – he got out of his tape as well, and I dialed 911 from the office beside us. They answered and I just started screaming so the cook took the phone. I went to the patio door and saw a police cruiser pulling in so I opened the door and threw myself out onto the sidewalk – the officer opened his door and I heard the call over the radio – they had pulled in by coincidence!

So many emotions that night and the days that followed…and every Sunday night I have closed the pub since that day. “

How did you move on from that?

Carol: “The staff, owners, customers, my family – there was such a big group of family there – some related, some not. We talked about it and the ability to do that with everyone was definitely what helped me through it.”

Carol P. – Toronto Acting Agency talent – Max Agency

Carol has also been through 3 major house fires, all of which resulted in complete losses. After rebuilding her world for the third time, her longtime friend and she decided to take her youngest daughter, Courtney, on vacation to Cuba.

On day 3 of their vacation, they took a ride on scooters to go visit school children with gifts. Carol woke up 10 days later in the trauma hospital in Camaguey. She had suffered an orbital bone fracture,  a skull fracture, and a brain bleed as a result of a number of end-over-end acrobatic flips into a 12-foot cactus-filled ditch.

This is the life event that I believe changed my daughter forever. When they reached me in the ditch, I had a massive gash on my head and was bleeding profusely. Scott [Carols friend] got to me first and didn’t want Courtney to see all the blood so he told her to get a water bottle from his scooter up on the road. I wasn’t breathing, so Scott began CPR while Courtney flagged down a car that took us to the hospital. Scott looked after Courtney for the duration of our so-called vacation.

I’ve told Courtney a few times when talking about the accident that I think it changed her. She had to try and mentally prepare to bring her mom home in a box, and I’m not sure she’s ever gotten past that.”

Carol P. seeing rays of sunshine for the first time after the accident, with her daughter, Courtney

After her 14-days stay in the hospital, she was released and given the authorization to fly home. She will be celebrating her 10 year anniversary of beating the odds this January. 

“In that time I’ve grown to value every moment of every day spent with my family. My father has since been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, so my appreciation for quality time with the ones I love could no be more true today. “

“I made sure that every summer, we had a weekly cottage rental and enjoyed boating fun like tubing, lake cruising, bonfires, yes – roasting hot dogs and marshmallows were a must!”

Toronto acting agency talent, Carol P., enjoying time with her grandkids.

Now that her daughters each have families of their own, Carol has decided to take the leap and invest in herself by joining Max. Shes found things that she enjoys doing just for her, like gardening, walking trails at the lakefront, and music.

“Music is very therapeutic for me. A “karaoke road trip”, or a long drive singing along with my Spotify song list is sometimes, exactly what I need to de-stress.”

Carol P. with her 2 daughters

How do you stay strong and positive after all that you have been through? 

“I was taught by my parents when I first had children that children learn from what they live and are watching how I react to different situations. I stayed positive and strong because my daughters were watching me and how I dealt with these traumatic events.”

“One of the things that I believe “stands out” about me, is my sense of humour. Throughout all of the trials and tribulations life has sent my way, I’ve used my sense of humour as my coat of armour. It has served me very well over the years and I do believe I have passed that on to both of my daughters. I strive to make at least one person laugh out loud every day!”

Toronto modeling agency talent, Carol P.

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto acting agency representing menwomen, and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models, and entertainers for the film, television, fashion, and advertising industries.

Max Agency has been a Toronto model agency for over 20 years.

Do you want to be an actor or a model? Join the top Toronto talent agency! Apply now to be discovered

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

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