Tag Archives: audition tips

MAX Agency’s Audition Tips, Tools and Requirements

MAX Agency Talent,

We regret to inform you that over the past couple of weeks we’ve received a great amount of feedback from our clients and some of it was not positive.

Our main goal is to help you land as many gigs as possible, offering important tips and tools as indicated on the MAX Agency Policies & Procedures handout and the Audition Info form. It is absolutely imperative that these instructions be followed in order to gain success within the talent industry. Furthermore, when auditioning you not only represent yourself, you also represent MAX Agency and poor representation of both is highly unacceptable.

Complaints received by our clients are as follows; poor choice of clothing, gum chewing,  leaning on desk, arriving late and showing up unprepared.

The following tips will help you appear more professional when in a professional setting and increase the possibility of booking auditions.

Clothing attire:

  • Female talent are expected to wear a black, form-fitting black dress with heels or knee-high boots. Hair should always be worn down. NO color nail polish and NO jeans or accessories.
  • Male talent are expected to wear a black button-down shirt with slacks. Clothing must be neat. NO wrinkles and NO jeans.

Key pointers:

  • Always arrive prepared. You MUST carry your portfolio book, comp card and resume with you at all times when going on an audition.
  • Always arrive 5-10 minutes early.
  • NEVER lean over the clients desk. Sit-up straight.
  • Always be alert, professional and pleasant.
  • NO gum chewing!
  • NEVER discuss payment with the client. It will be handled by MAX Agency.