Tag Archives: child actors

Top 5 Tips To Survive Going Back to School

Its almost that time of year again…Back to School!

Here are Max Agencys Top 5 Tips for Surviving the Back to School process!

1. Have a positive attitude

Heading into something new or scary with a good attitude will automatically make it a more positive experience. In other words, by having a positive outlook on things, more positivity will be attracted to you. For example, always walk the halls with your head up high and a smile on your face. That will attract more people to talk to you. Have an open mind during your classes so you are more likely to learn something. Having a negative attitude will only bring negative results.

2. Get involved

Getting involved in clubs and teams is always a great way to make friends and have a good time. In most high schools, there are clubs available for students with all sorts of interests such as drama, band, student government, dance, etc.! Not only is this great for your social life but it could also impact your future. Having experience in a club or on a sports team could be extremely beneficial if you wish to pursue a career in an athletic field (sports team), as an actor (drama club), in politics (student government), etc.

3. Keep an agenda/planner

In order to organize your time as best as you can while juggling your studies and extra curricular activities, an agenda or planner is a must! This is a tool to keep track of when assignments are due or when you have practice after school. Its also a place to make to-do lists where you can check each item off that youve accomplished. To develop a healthy routine and resist the urge to procrastinate, invest in a cute notebook that you dont mind carrying around with you all the time!

4. Be prepared with school supplies

To cause less stress on the first day back, go shopping ahead of time to get all the supplies you need. You know what classes you have therefore you know what youll need whether its a ruler, protractor, coloured pencils or calculator. Remember you might want to get a different binder for each class to keep your notes organized. Having the necessary supplies on the first day erases some of the stress and allows you to focus on everything else that youre nervous about!

5. Find your people

While there may be pressure to get in with the “popular kids”, its very important to find your own set of friends who you truly get along with. Dont force yourself to spend time with certain people just because you feel like you should to “be cool.” Hang out with people who have the same interests and values as you, who you enjoy spending time with. And if you are having trouble finding those people, dont fret. Elementary and high school are not the end of the world so if you havent found your forever group of friends quite yet, thats completely okay!


Max Agency is a successful model and talent management agency in Canada representing menwomen and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

If you have an interest in acting or modelling and you live in Toronto, apply now: http://www.maxagency.com/application.php


For daily updates, be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter and tune in every week to the blog!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

MAX Talent Booked for Adidas Photoshoot! – Kids Modelling

Max Agency is thrilled to announce that two of our adorable talent have been booked for a new photoshoot for Adidas ! Congratulations!

Ashton A.

Mika G.

Adidas is a truly global sports brand. Therefore, everything we do is rooted in sports. Everything that happens in sports happens in moments. Every moment is a chance for the athlete to start over and take today. (x)

Max Agency is one of the most successful model and talent management agencies in Canada representing menwomen and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

Project Popcorn Video Booking – Kid Actors

Does everyone remember Max Agencys talent Kingston A., who auditioned for Project Popcorn Video last week?

Well, he officially booked the job!

Congratulations Kingston! And dont forget to bring some popcorn back to share! 😉


Max Agency is one of the most successful model and talent management agencies in Canada representing menwomen and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/