Tag Archives: MAX Agency Actors

MAX Talents Audition for Major Health Commercial

MAX Agency would like to wish good luck today to Kristine P. Christopher W. and Martins I. as they audition for Project WELL BEING. This is a major health related commercial and we are crossing our fingers for them today!! GOOD LUCK!!

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MAX Talent Gets Callback for Short Film

MAX Agency would like to wish good luck today to Nathan B. Nathan has a callback today for a short film called FATHER. A Callback is a second round of auditions with a very select number of talents.  He hasnt been with the agency very long and is already seemingly impressing the industry people! We wish you all the best today Nathan!!!


MAX Talents get Callback for Project Health Care

Max Agency would like to wish Good luck to 4 of their talents who received a callback today for Project Health Care. Project Health Care is a commercial which will be shooting in September. Good Luck today Michael M., Ryder A, Safiya M. and Michael W. We wish you all the best!


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