Tag Archives: Agencies

MAX Talent Shoots PSA

We want to wish MAX Talent Henry L. all the best this morning on set as he shoots a Childrens Health PSA. His charming smile and bright personality will surely warm everyone on set.

MAX Model Insider Tips for a Successful Modeling Career!

Tips for a Successful Modeling Career

 Whether you’ve just started out as a model or you’ve been a model for a while. There are some things you need to know in order to have a long and lucrative career as a model. Models come in all shapes and sizes for a variety of projects. So as long as you are willing to learn and follow some, or all, of these tips you should be able to make it as a model no matter what your shape and size.

Tip#1: Modeling is a Business

As a model you are your own business. Just like with any business it will take time, effort and commitment in order for that business to gro and be lucrative. The same goes for modeling. You need to put in the time to not only go to auditions, but keep yourself in shape, get enough rest and look your best. You want to make a good first impression at all the auditions you go to.

Tip #2: Present Yourself as the Perfect Candidate

You want to make sure you have confidence. Even if in the beginning this means you have to fake it. It’s important to know that you have confidence. But don’t let that get the better of you. Also make sure you have a friendly disposition as well as good manners. The easier you are to work with the more likely you are to get the job. Also remember to be YOU!

Tip #3: Attend as Many Castings as possible.

A casting is a job interview for models (and actors). So the more you go to and can present yourself in a positive way, the more chances you have of landing the job.  Also make sure to show up prepared. Know what it is they are casting for, know what they are looking for as well as what will be expected of you.

Tip #4: Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Drink plenty of water ( it will hydrate your skin, as well as give you a healthy glow), get plenty of rest ( to avoid dark circles and heavy makeup), and try and maintain a healthy diet. Eating foods high in sugar, fats and other toxins can cause your skin to not only look dull but break out as well. In the end as a model ensuring you have a healthy natural glow about you will help set you apart, And will help you feel energized as well.

Again remember You are your OWN business. As much as we like to think its about being at the right place at the right time, so much work and effort will go into your career from yourself. So go out there and knock ‘em dead!

MAX Talents on a Roll

“With the new year well underway our talents and models at MAX Agency are doing very well this year. Not only have some of our talents booked big name jobs they are constantly at auditions. Keep up the good work MAX Agency!