Tag Archives: MAX Agency Actors

MAX Talent Shoots Shape WEar Infomercial

We want to wish Jennifer L. all the best today as she shoots an infomercial for a Shape Wear Product. We wish you all the best today as it is your first job with MAX Agency. 


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MAX Talent Auditions for Major TV Series

MAX Agency Talent Jehan D. has booked an audition for a major television series. This is a role which will be recurring throughout the upcoming season of this show. We wish you all the best today Jehan and hope you have a great time at the audition!





MAX Talents get Cineplex Audition

MAX Agency Talents Kamil H. and Rachelle F. both got auditions for a new Cineplex print campaign. Kamil auditioned for the role of Super Hero ( Peter Parkeresque) and Rachelle auditioned for the Role of MJ. We will be crossing our fingers for them both!


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