Tag Archives: Max Model and Talent

The week is off to a busy start for MAX Agency Toronto Talent


 As another busy week at Max begins we’ve got new and exciting auditions to report on. Two of our talented actors Shayla D. and Chelsea-Sarah are auditioning for primary roles in an independent short film entitled “Niagara.” The film takes place on an old boat and after the passengers and captain notice something suspicious ahead in the water the morning dawns and reveals only one woman left aboard. We wish the best of luck to our actors and are excited to see how this eerie films pans out.





Also auditioning this week are MAX Agency models Gina, Aggi, Natisha and Jessica for a Dairy Farmers Of Canada print ad. The group represents dairy farmers living on over 13,500 farms across Canada and is known for their strong advertising presence and we are thrilled for our models to have a chance to appear in a national ad.

 For even more audition updates be sure to follow us on Twitter @maxagency or find us on Facebook.

Max Agency Toronto Talent swamped with auditons this week.

The week is off to a great start at MAX Agency Toronto with a variety of our talent auditioning for jobs.
First off, we would like to wish the best of luck to our six talented actors Susan, Nancy, Rebecca,Megan,
Mitchell and Mikk who will all be auditioning for various roles in a Project Digital Online Video.

Also auditioning this week is our young and talented Brook M. for the role of Cleo in a short film entitled
“The Intergalactic Space Adventures Of Cleo And Anouk.” Brook M’s quirkiness and confidence is sure to be
perfect for the role of Cleo, an eccentric nine-year-old self proclaimed  space adventurer.

We also have Sal, Joseph, Tommy and Hayden auditioning for a Heart and Stroke Foundation print ad.
These are just a few of the auditions our talent will be attending this week and we look forward
to reporting on their success!
For more audition and booking updates follow us on Twitter @Maxagency

MAX Agency Toronto Featured New Talent: Dora

MAX Agency Toronto is excited to announce the addition of Dora Somody to the roster. Dora enjoys being with friends and family and has recently become very interested in Ecological Studies in which she hopes to one day peruse a career. Dora is interested in modeling and acting as  a fun way to meet new people and also become more social.

We look forward to reporting on Doras future success!

If you would like to join the MAX Agency Toronto roster visit www.maxagency.com for more information or contact us at 416-482-5392

Follow us on Twitter @Maxagency for more updates on our talent or find Max Agency Toronto on Facebook