Tag Archives: Max Agency

Featured New Talent – Ryan Z.

MAX Agency would like to introduce a special talent new to our roster: Ryan A.!

Ryan is 4 years old and 105 cm tall. His favourite activities are soccer and swimming while also being a good singer too! He is very social and always makes new friends. He is so supportive and dreams to become a superman one day!
His mom decided to pursue modelling/acting for Ryan because people kept telling her to get him in the modelling field since he is such a handsome boy!
Welcome to the MAX team, Ryan! We are excited to be a part of his modelling journey!
If you have an upcoming project that Ryan would be a great fit forcontact us now to see if he’s available! 

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto kids modelling agency. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

To stay updated on if our talent get booked, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

If you want to join our rosterapply here

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster!

Showcase Saturday – Behkish N.

“When it was my turn to introduce myself and act a bit, I was really nervous. But after I was done with my part, I loved it. I felt like a new part of me was born.”


Welcome back to Showcase Saturday here at MAX Agency —  a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children.

This week we’ll be showcasing an intelligent and unique individual on our roster: 

Behkish N!

An introduction to Behkish:

“My name is Behkish. Im originally Persian and moved to Canada 7 years ago to build my dreams and reach my goals.

Im studying computer engineering at University of Waterloo and will graduate by end of April. My next plan is to continue my education to get a master’s degree.

Meanwhile, Im working on my own startup technology company and hopefully you will hear more about it soon.”

Check out past weeks Showcase Saturday articles!

How did you get into modelling/acting?

“As an engineering student, I did not have a lot of time to socialize and as an extroverted person, it was bothering me.

I also wanted to challenge myself and start something that I always wanted but was too shy to do and thats how I got more serious about acting and modelling.

I remember a friend of mine wanted to start freelance photography and asked me to be his model and after doing that I loved it!!

Thats how I started to search for agencies and heard about MAX Agency.

So far, I love my experience. I got to meet a lot of great artists and get involved with a lot of new communities.

How has your experience been with MAX?

“So far, I have had a great experience with MAX. I love the fact that they are honest and put effort to find the right auditions for me.

One of my memorable moments was the first day of the MAX Agency acting classes. I was really nervous and did not know what I should expect.

When it was my turn to introduce myself and act a bit, I was really nervous but after I was done with my part, I loved it. I felt like a new part of me was born.”

Check out the auditions Behkish has had here!

What do you like to do in your spare time? 

“In my spare time, I like to write short stories, read about different subjects and hang out with my friends and family.

I also enjoy modeling for freelance photographers since I get to meet great people and share many ideas.

What is your dream role?

My dream role is actually to play myself in a movie about me.

But, beside that I like to play as a computer hacker because that is very similar to what I study at school.”

Follow Behkish on Instagram here!

Best advice for someone looking to get into the industry?

The best advice is to be yourself and do what you dream for and makes you happy. Dont listen to others and do what your heart tells you.”

Final thoughts:

“I like to add 3 quotes that motivate me a lot:

1. Be your own hero

2. Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay, its not the end.

3. If you dont build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.”


MAX is honoured to have someone as passionate and hardworking as Behkish on our roster!

If youve been inspired by Behkish to follow your dreamsapply to join our roster now!

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster!

Company Profile


Featured New Talent – Alessandro D.

“After developing excellence in this industry, I became interesting in the eyes of major model agencies in Rome…”

MAX Agency would like to share a special talent new to our roster: Alessandro D.!

“I am 11th generation Roman and I was born and raised in that wonderful city. At 19 I started to work in the modelling business doing my first Runaway after taking a course held by a very well known American Model during 80s and 90s. After developing excellence in this industry, I became interesting in the eyes of major model agencies in Rome. I started to be represented by them and to work in Italy and other countries in Europe for major clients such as Lufthansa, American Express and SAP Software.

The hobby I love the most is fashion— exploring characteristic shops in new cities and being able to integrate different styles and creating my unique and personal looks. I am sure that this hobby comes from working so much in this industry.”

My second hobby, which is also a business in my case, is Food and Wine. I am a Wine Broker and I represent unique certified organic vineyards from Italy and bring them to Canada and I am a Home Chef for private parties. I entertain the audience with little hints about old-style Roman cooking and wine pairing basics.”

We are honoured to have Alessandro joining our roster!

If you have an upcoming project that Alessandro would be a great fit forcontact us now to see if he’s available! 

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto modelling agency representing men, women and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

To stay updated on if our talent get booked, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

If you want to join our rosterapply here

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster!