Tag Archives: Toronto Acting Agencies

MAX Talent shoots short film

MAX Agency would like to congratulate Helen W. Last week Helen shot a short film called A Good Man is Hard to Find. This was Helens first project with MAX Agency and we have had nothing but glowing reviews from the producers. Congratulations Helen, I cant wait to see the film!



MAX Talent Audtions for Student Film

Max Agency would like to wish good luck today to actor Kristen Brown.  Kristen has an audition today for the student film Super Moms. Kristen is a budding young actress who has years of acting experience. She originally hails from Manitoba. We are glad to have you on our roster Kristen. Good Luck today!!





MAX Talent Shoot Subway Prime Rib Comemrcial

MAX Agency would like to congratulate Kwaku A. Kwaku shot a commercial for the Subway Prime Rib sandwich yesterday. He has been with the agency for a couple of years now and has shot several major projects including a TSN Toronto Raptors commercial. We hope you had a great time yesterday Kwaku and cant wait to see the commercial!