Tag Archives: tip tuesday

#TipTuesday: Omega 3 Fatty Acids Helps Depression and Anxiety

#TipTuesday is a series Max Agency — one of the top Toronto talent agencies  — will be doing every week where we share helpful tips for the industry! This could be tips on auditions, bookings, beauty, fashion and more!

This week’s tip is concerning your health: Omega 3 Fatty Acids can actually improve your mental health.

A lot of people tend to get the winter blues during this time of the year, mostly due to the cold weather or feeling alone during the holidays. However, studies have shown that omega 3 fatty acids tend to lower levels of depression! It has been shown that when people who are depressed start taking omega-3 supplements, their symptoms improve!

Omega 3 fatty acids are most commonly found in fish, nuts and plant seeds. So stock up on the chestnuts this winter! They also have a lot of other health benefits such as being an anti-inflammatory, reducing the risk of cancer, improving eye health, lessening the risk of heart disease and much more!

So if you are finding yourself feeling particularly down this season, take a look at your diet and see if you can increase your intake of omega 3 fatty acids!




Max Agency is a successful model and talent agency in Canada representing men, women and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

For more weekly industry/style tips,  be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter and tune in every week to the blog!

To see our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

Tip Tuesday: How To Become An Actor With Zero Experience

#TipTuesday is a series Max Agency — one of the top Toronto talent agencies  — will be doing every week where we share helpful tips for the industry! This could be tips on auditions, bookings, beauty, fashion and more!

This week’s tip are on How to Become an Actor with Zero Experience:

1. Get involved with local projects to gain experience.

The first thing to do when you have no experience is to start getting it in whatever ways you can. That could be acting for your local theatre, joining drama clubs, working on low budget projects like student films. You should be open to everything you can. Big cities have more opportunities but even smaller towns should have at least a few programs to get you started!

2. Work on your special skills.

Its always useful to have special skills to give you more of a chance for certain roles. This could include dancing, sports, musical abilities, martial arts and much more! If you dont have any special skills or talents, try developing some! Some roles specifically look for talent who can also do a special skill so they are great things to have. For example, a commercial for a sports apparel brand may want an actor who knows how to play hockey!

3. Join an agency.

Signing with an agency is great for new comers to the industry because most agencies will take the time to develop you. For example, Max Agency pays for your acting classes to ensure you are prepared for when you start auditioning! As industry professionals, they will also be the best people to give you advice and connect you will the leading casting directors and clients who they already have working relationships with.

To apply to join Max Agency, visit the link: http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

4. Network.

Networking in person and online is super important, especially if you opt to not sign with an agent. In that case you must create a brand for yourself and start connecting with other people in the field. Develop your social media channels, and attend events where you can mingle with others in the industry. Use that charisma and it could land you a gig!

5. Be patient.

As a newcomer to the acting world, you most likely will have to wait a while to have success. Do not take the rejections personally, as there are so many people trying out for the same roles you are. The perfect role for you will come along eventually! Dont give up right away, if this is your true passion youll have to work hard and be consistent!

Have something about the acting or modelling industry that youre curious about? Let us know!

Max Agency is a successful model and talent agency in Canada representing men, women and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

For more weekly industry/style tips,  be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter and tune in every week to the blog!

To see our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

10 Tips For Raising a Child Actor or Model

Happy Universal Childrens Day. Since MAX is a talent agency that represents many Toronto child actors/models, we thought wed put together a list of some tips to follow if you are raising one!

#1. Dont let your child audition unprepared

As the parent of a child auditioning, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child is as prepared as they can be. If there are lines or sides to memorize, make sure they know them. If they are asked to dress a certain way for the audition, make sure they are in proper attire.

#2. Stay relaxed

Your nerves or agitation will affect your childs nerves as well. Stay as calm as you possibly can so your child will be on their best behaviour too when they go in to audition. You also dont want to make a bad impression as a parent because casting directors may remember that and not want to work with a difficult parent.

#3. They must have energy

Your child must bring their own unique energy to a performance for the best results. Dont necessarily just have them perform the script exactly as is, let them add a bit of themselves into it so they really stand out against all of the other kids auditioning. They have to shine!

#4. Put them in professional acting classes

The best way to ensure your child can meet the standards is enrolling them in professional acting classes. This allows them to practice their craft and be coached by a professional. It will allow them to get over the natural nerves they have and be a better performer. It also gives them the chance to interact with other actors.

#5. Get them involved in activities to improve their abilities

Getting your child involved in activities such as school plays and community theatre are key ways to improve their chances for auditions. The child gets more comfortable performing for a crowd and rids them of their shyness. You can also consider dance classes, sports or other activities!

#6. Do not overstep boundaries with casting directors

You can not take casting directors decisions personally. Whenever theres a rejection, accept their decision and move on. Do not nag them, asking what your child did wrong as it will just make a bad impression. They do not have time to respond to every upset parent. It is most likely that your child will not be as affected by it as you and are able to move on easily so you should too!

#7. Do not try to control them

Do not force your child to do anything they dont want to do. If you notice your kid is not enjoying the auditioning/acting process as much as they used to, check in with them and see if this is still something you should be doing. The happiness of the child always comes first.

#8. Must be willing to dedicate your own time

As a parent of a child actor or model, you must be willing to make sacrifices and be flexible with your time. There will be a lot of travelling to and from auditions along with taking time off of work for their shoots which a parent must be present for. As your child is not capable of being completely independent, you must be supportive of whatever they need to be successful.

#9. Must be willing to invest in it

When starting out in the business, you have to be willing to invest in it a bit. As mentioned before, paying for acting classes and the gas getting to auditions. In addition, you will have to pay for professional photos/headshots to be done and you may have to take smaller paying gigs at first. In the long run, your investments should pay off as your child starts to get more work.

#10. Stay organized

Similar to the point of being flexible, you must also be extremely organized. You must keep track of auditions, bookings, classes, extracurricular activities, etc. It is your responsibility to get your child to auditions and shoots on time, in proper wardrobe and with lines memorized!

Photo credit: pixabay.com

Max Agency is a successful model and talent agency in Canada representing men, women and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

If you would like your child to be represented by an agency, fill out an application with us now: http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

If you would like to hire one of our kid actors/models, contact us: http://www.maxagency.com/contact.php

To stay updated on if our talent get booked, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/