All posts by admin1

MAX Agency Talent Spotlight: Sal C.

 MAX Agency Toronto would like to put the spotlight this week on Sal C., one of our most promising young talents. Sal joined MAX agency Toronto in 2009 at the age of seven. For the past two years he has been busy auditioning for numerous jobs for clients ranging from Rice Crispies to Aleve and Kraft. Most notably, Sal has booked jobs with Sobeys, and just recently, Sal landed a spot in a Heart and Stroke Foundation print ad. Sal’s versatility and ability to audition for any job ranging from commercials to print ads is an attribute that has benefited him tremendously in the industry. We can’t wait to report on his future success!

 Here’s what Sal’s mom had to say about MAX Agency Toronto:

“It is both mine and Sal’s dream for him to star in a movie one day but  I didn’t know where to start him on his journey to achieve this dream. A friend told us about Max Agency and it was the luckiest day of our lives. Upon signing with Max Agency, Sal finally had the opportunity to do some work. I am so proud of him and so grateful for his agent and all her hard work because without her he would be nowhere. For this we are extremely thankful!”



Max Agency Talent Spotlight: Alyana

MAX Agency Toronto is happy to announce the addition of Alyana to our roster. Alyana is a 16 year old beauty who has been interested in the industry since a young age and just recently decided to become a part of it. One of her dreams as a little girl was to become a model and take part in photo shoots. Alyanas interests include photography and writing. She was involved in gymnastics until age 14 and also took part in track and field. Alyana is really interested in the industry, not only on the modeling and acting side, but in fashion, photography, and advertising as well.
Think you have what it takes to be part of the MAX Roster? Fill out an online application at or call us directly at 416-482-5392

MAX Agency Toronto Tip: How to Memorize Lines

How do those actors and actresses memorize hundreds of lines? Memorizing lines takes practice and constant repetition. However, there are a few ways to make the memorization process run smoothly and quickly.

Read Out Loud (And Repeat, Repeat, Repeat):
For most performers, there is no short cut to memorizing lines. To learn lines, an actor must recite the play out loud, over and over again. Most rehearsals encourage this by running through the lines or having a read through.
Record Your Lines:
Because there is often not enough rehearsal time, many performers find
ways to listen to the plays dialogue during everyday activities. Turn your work-outs, chores, and recreational activities into a read through with the help of your headphones or your i-pod. Aside from constant rehearsals, this method seems to be the most popular way to memorize lines. Use a tape recorder or better yet an MP3 player to capture the lines from each relevant scene. Others opt for recording the lines of fellow cast members, but they leave a blank space so that they can insert their dialogue while listening to the recording.

Think Positively and Dont Panic!
Dont let the butterflies in your stomach torment you too much. Most people  experience stage fright minutes, hours, even weeks before opening night. While a certain amount of nervousness can get the adrenaline going, too much anxiety over lines might hinder an actors performance.

Take solace in the fact that if you forget a line once, you will probably never forget that line ever again! Sometimes embarrassment is the strongest and toughest method of memorization!