MAX Agency Toronto Talent audition for TVO campaign

MAX Agency Toronto Talent Gina K, Deeyann D and, Kadian T have an audition for TVO network print campaign.

Television is an inescapable part of modern culture. We depend on TV for entertainment, news, education, culture, weather, sports and, music. Educational television such as documentaries can have a positive impact on ones life. Its a great way to learn new information. Sometimes they make you think about issues youve never considered, issues you might disagree, issues you might find yourself opening up too and sometimes they make you think that nothing is happening beyond you being entertained.
TVO is a publicly funded educational English-language television station and media organization in the Canadian province of Ontario. TVOs acclaimed series of social issue documentaries acquired from around the world are controversial, eye opening, hard hitting and provocative.

Here is a preview of a TVO documentary titled, Water on the table. A look at the worlds water crisis and how the causes of the depleting water supply is connected to pollution, human rights, and politics.

Best of luck to Max Agency Models at the audition!

If you think you have what it takes to be part of the MAX Agency Toronto Roster visit or contact us at 416-482-5392

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