Category Archives: international

TREY -Saturday Showcase

Its Saturday Showcase time!  We are pleased to present, TREY S! MAX is so happy to have this super stunning and super talented model on our roster! Check it out!

Trey headshot

Trey is a very versatile international actor and model that is focused on print, catalog, commercial and fashion opportunities.  He has over 5 years of  experience working on industry projects including brands such as C-demin.

trey personal portfolio photo
photo courtesy of Trey.

“I am from a Little island call Haiti, but raise in West Palm Beach, Florida. I love fashion, and am known for being flexible, adaptable, very stylish, versatile, efficient, hard-working, good at taking directions and capable of wearing all types of clothing styles.”

Our very photogenic man frequently meets with potential clients to present new designs, products and clothing to customers. He has many attributes that so many fashion directors, designers and casting directors look for in a client. Even if backstage is crazy busy and changes happen fast and frantic, Trey is always poised in front of the audience.

trey portfolio photo
photo courtesy of Trey.

Trey follows a strict routine of dieting, sleeping and daily exercise to maintain great and healthy appearance so that he can. Among many of his skills are basketball, body building, skateboarding, soccer, snowboarding, and wrestling.

Trey headshot

We look forward to your continuous growth and expansion as an actor and model in this industry and beyond! Youre awesome!

Want to inquire about talent for upcoming projects? Email:

Follow us, share and like more content we put out daily on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at

If you want to become one of our talent, apply  here!

Pink Shirt Day, The Rise of Anti-Bullying Awareness

Pink Shirt Day is upon us! Today we come together globally to take a stand against bullying, both in life and online, and spread awareness and raise funds for childrens programs focused on treating depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and, physical and  emotional trauma.

Pink Shirt Days humble beginnings started in Nova Scotia, Canada in 2007  when two high school students, David Shepherd and Travis Price came together to support a new student who was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt.  they organized immediately and purchased 50 pink tank tops to hand out to other boys in the school the next day.

Travis Price, co-founder of the #PinkShirtDay
Travis Price, co-founder of the #PinkShirtDay anti-bullying movement

The message was clear, they were not going to tolerate bullying. Since them a world wide movement began. After David and Travis’ act of kindness in 2007, CKNW Orphans Fund ( was inspired to help other youth affected by bullying, with many staff members wearing pink shirts and collecting funds to support Boys and Girls Clubs. Since then, the idea has only grown each year, with worldwide support and participation. Countries across the globe are now organizing anti-bullying fundraisers of their own, including Japan, New Zealand, China, Panama, and numerous others. In fact, last year alone, people in almost 180 countries shared their support of Pink Shirt Day through social media posts and donations.

Pink Shirt Day
Children from @BGCyvr showing support for Pink Shirt Day

Coast Capital ( is donating  $1 in support of bullying prevention programs for youth in BC. All you have to do is  say something nice about someone on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and add #PinkItForward!


So, what is bullying? TYPES OF BULLYING

  • Physical bullying: using physical force or aggression against another person (e.g., hitting)
  • Verbal bullying: using words to verbally attack someone (e.g., name-calling)
  • Social/relational bullying: trying to hurt someone through excluding them, spreading rumours or ignoring them (e.g., gossiping)
  • Cyberbullying: using electronic media to threaten, embarrass, intimidate, or exclude someone, or to damage their reputation (e.g., sending threatening text messages).

BULLYING VS HARASSMENT, Bullying and harassment are similar, yet different:

  • Harassment is similar to bullying because someone hurts another person through cruel, offensive and insulting behaviours.
  • Harassment is different from bullying in that it is a form of discrimination.

WHAT IS DISCRIMINATION? Discrimination is treating someone differently or poorly based on certain characteristics or differences. Bullying turns into harassment when the behaviour goes against Canada’s Human Rights Laws and focuses on treating people differently because of:

  • Age
  • Race (skin colour, facial features)
  • Ethnicity (culture, where they live, how they live, how they dress)
  • Religion (religious beliefs)
  • Sex Sexual orientation (if they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or heterosexual)
  • Family status (if they are from a single parent family, adopted family, step family, foster family, non-biological gay or lesbian parent family)
  • Marital status (if they are single, legally married, common-law spouse, widowed, or divorced)
  • Physical and mental disability (if they have a mental illness, learning disability, use a wheelchair)

Take a Stand with Max today!

Follow us, share and like more content we put out almost daily on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with Max Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here!

The girls of the world

MAX Agency is excited to announce our brand new Elite Division. The Elite Division is higher division of modelling that allows select models to travel and go international for work.Elizabeth

Starting on June 14th, Maddie Zarb, Hannah Bradshaw and Elisabeth Callaghan are taking part in a photo shoot that will assist them on their journey to complete their portfolios and prepare for their future as professional and international models.

Each girl has worked extremely hard to achieve this goal and are very passionate about what they do!

Zarb said ” Iv only really been with some agencies for two months so far”

Maddie Z“I expect it to be a lot harder than people think, I was given a lot of material before the shoot and I was shocked of how much practising means. Overall I am really excited, ” she said.

“A lot of what Ive done is practicing in the mirror and having people take photos of me so I know what works and what doesnt,” she added.

Bradshaw stated “Im not really sure what Im expecting, its kinda like a test run for the future.”

“To prepare for the photoshoot I have been watching the videos that were sent to me , and researching models and their poses so that I can prep for next week,” she said

“Im most excited to do a professional photoshoot, Im also excited to get my hair and makeup done and have my wardrobe ready for me,”  she added.

The girls will have the experience
of traveling as elite models to do photoshoots and runway shows. While the girls are on the road traveling they will be blogging and vlogging about their travels. There will be behind the scene footage on their hair, makeup, clothes, and experience. If youre interested in that, the girls will be giving tips and advice for anyone who is interested in pursuing the same.

Everyone is excited to see the girls as their hard work has paid off!

More updates are happening soon, so stay tuned!

For updates follow our Twitter! For behind the scenes footage go to our Facebook and Instagram page!

If you are interesting in applying click here