Toronto Talent Agency – Tip Tuesday – 8 Productivity hacks

With all the distractions and notifications that we face everyday, staying productive can be a struggle. Work is a part of our lives that gives a sense of accomplishment, an essential ingredient to happiness. 

We each have different career goals, aspirations, and personal goals. Whatever you are trying to achieve requires work that can be put off by distractions or just not getting enough time. 

As actors and models, you are very likely juggling two or more jobs, with other personal goals. Below are 10 hacks that can help productivity and improve time management. It is time to tick off these goals!

Toronto Modeling agencys productivity tips

1. Plan Your Day Ahead of Time

You are less likely to miss important tasks if you know what you are doing, at what time, and for how long, in advance. You may choose to do this the night before or first thing in the morning. Include even the daily habits that you have so that you do not run out of time.

Having a sense of direction and time by planning ahead will cut the time that you spend drifting away and wasting time thinking about what task you should complete next.

2. Pick the 3 Most Important Tasks of the Day

Not all tasks are as important to complete as others. Highlight the top 3 most important to prioritize. Describe these 3 tasks in detail when planning out your day.

This will allow focusing more on these without drifting away to less important tasks which end up being distractions from the essentials.

Pomodoro technique – productivity hacks – Toronto acting agency

3. Use the Pomodoro Technique

Developed by Francesco Cirillo, the Pomodoro technique is a time management method that breaks down tasks into time intervals. It involves working in intervals such as 25 minutes of work with a 5-minute break. After 4 intervals, you can take a longer break of around 20 minutes.

This method is based on research that suggests we can consistently focus for 50-90 minutes. A 5-10 minutes break every hour improves our focus which in turn, increases our productivity.

4. Order Your Tasks According to What Works Best for You!

Some of us prefer slower mornings with the easiest tasks first. Ticking off little tasks sets the right tone for the day and can be motivation for you to tick off the rest of your schedule.

Others, on the other hand, prefer to do the tasks that they are dreading first. Getting those difficult tasks out of the way makes the rest of the day a breeze.

Find out which works best for you!

Productivity hacks – Toronto modeling

5. Avoid Multi-Tasking

While it may seem like doing two things at a time is more efficient time management, this can actually do more harm than good. Research shows that only 2% of people can multitask effectively!

Multitasking can mess with your focus, leading you to do a mediocre job at 2 tasks when you could have done those 2 tasks perfetcly if you had focused on each at a time. 

6. Keep Away Distractions by using Website Blockers

Social media and other online content can easily distract you from your work when you use the same devices to access both. Website blocking tools like StayFocusd or Freedom can help you avoid these distractions. These tools block websites that waste your time for a time period that you set for your work.

Productivity tips – Toronto acting agency

7. Create an Environment that is Work-Oriented

Our environment determines our level of productivity and focus. A cluttered environment creates a cluttered mind. Make your environment feel organized so that your thoughts can be organized too! 

You will also gain time by not wasting it looking for things. Clean your desk to make it easier to find what you need. Have a comfortable desk, keep your phone in a drawer (unless you need it to work), make sure you are in a location without excessive noise. 

8. Music can help your focus

Research shows that ambient noise like one in a coffee shop helps to boost productivity. A way to recreate that is to listen to music. Experiment with different genres to find which creates the best mindset for you to work.

We hope that these tips can help you get closer to your goals. Now, get to work!

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto acting agency representing menwomen, and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models, and entertainers for the film, television, fashion, and advertising industries.

Max Agency has been a Toronto acting agency for over 20 years.

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