Regarding Bookings

We, here at MAX Agency, take our bookings very seriously. We work hard to get our clients booked for ads, commercials and videos, and therefore expect them to take their job seriously. However, not all of them do.

We wont mention any names, however, certain talent on the roster need to be made an example of and their actions need to be brought to light.

We provided one of our young actors with the opportunity to play a principal role in a music video. The talent was still green, had no prior experience, and was thus grateful for the huge opportunity. Once his parents confirmed that he was available for the booking, we went ahead and notified the client. However, less than 24 hours before the shoot, our talents parents decided that due to the price of gas and parking, they will not be attending the shoot. So we explained to the parents that his attendance was mandatory because we had already confirmed with the client, and they agreed once again to take him to the shoot. We then received another phone call from the talents father the evening before the shoot, telling us that theyve changed their minds again and will not be going to the shoot after all.

As you can tell, they had taken us through a roller-coaster ride and left us high and dry less than 12 hours before the shoot to find a replacement for the next morning. This sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable from any of our talent. Needless to say, the talent had to be released from our agency. Once you confirm a booking, the client expects and needs to have you on set. Not only do you make the agency look bad, but you also hinder our relationships with our clients.

If you are considering getting into this industry, you must be 100% committed, reliable, and above all else, professional at all times. The client and the agency are relying on you!