Snap, Crackle and Pop at MAX Agency Toronto

Who doesn’t know the infamous jingle, “Snap, Crackle, Pop Kelloggs Rice Krispies!”

Kelloggs Rice Krispies is looking for the next new adorable face for their Print campaign. We have two of MAX Agency’s finest, Haissam and Colby up for the part.

Besides for being a house hold name and providing nutritious, high-quality foods, Kelloggs Canada is committed to educating consumers and health professionals about nutrition and healthy active living through responsible packaging, brochures, advertising and scientific symposia.

Like us, Kelloggs also prides themselves on being a good neighbour and a responsible member of the community.

So not only do they do great things, but they taste great and are one of the most entertaining cereals on the market. Best of luck Haissam and Colby we hope you Snap, Crackle and Pop to the top with this audition!