Making a Difference at MAX Agency Toronto

It’s the weekend after Thanksgiving, and I’m sure that we are all feeling thankful. We probably spent the weekend stuffing our faces with Turkey and enjoying friends and family. 

However, that was not necessarily the case for some. Its seems as though this past year there has been devastation of epic proportion going on in all corners of the globe. From earthquakes and flooding, to environmental disasters and recession, this year for many has been very difficult. Thinking locally and globally MAX Agency Toronto believes  that this is the  time to give back.

According to a recent report from the Salvation Army, the Food Bank use in the GTA is at an all time high, and donations have flat lined. The average person coming to a food bank spends 68 per cent of their income on rent and utilities. With an average monthly income of $1000, that leaves just over $300 for everything else: school supplies for the kids, clothes for winter, medications and food.

As reported by the United Nations, to date more than 1,750 people have been killed, and 21 million affected by flooding in Pakistan. 8 to 10 million people still need daily help, and roughly 6 million have been left homeless. The United Nations has rated the floods in Pakistan as the greatest humanitarian crisis in recent history with more people affected than the South-East Asian tsunami and the recent earthquakes in Kashmir and Haiti combined.


CBC reports that in Haiti, there have been 222, 570 deaths since the great earthquake that rocked the Capital Port-Au- Prince back in January. And there are still nearly 1.5 million people living in makeshift camps.

MAX Agency Toronto is currently accepting donations of all kinds to help give back to those in need.

Some ideas; non-parishable food items (canned goods, dry goods) tents and supplies, Chlorine tablets, warm clothes (jackets, boots, hats, mitts etc.) school supplies (paper, pens, pencils, rulers) Warm blankets, sheets, toy, books, markers, crayons etc.

Please give generously.

For any information on ways that you can donate please visit.