How to Nail Your Next Audition!

MAX Agency Talents and Models find out how to nail your next audition!!!

General advice

  • Research the company in advance, so you know what theyre about and the kind of person theyre looking for. Youll come across as both professional and organised.
  • Ask your agent as many questions as you can. Its their job to make sure you head to your audition prepared. If you arent sure about something (from the address to lines to memorize) ASK!! Youre agent shuold give you all the information but if they dont and you arent sure ask!
  • Smile! Youll make a good first impression.
  • Get a good nights sleep. Your eyes will be brighter and youll be more alert for your audition.
  • Be on time (or early) for everything. It sounds obvious, but some people find this a real challenge.
  • Avoid stripy or boldly-patterned clothing – itll be distracting on camera.
  • Youre likely to feel nervous if youre not used to auditioning, or if its a part you really want – but try to relax in front of the camera (or, if appropriate, use your nerves for dramatic effect!).
  • Believe in yourself. Your confidence will come through in your audition.
  • You probably wont get every part you audition for, but youre gaining valuable experience along the way.


  • Learn your lines back to front, and inside out. Practise with a friend, so you feel confident on the day and dont freeze up! Practive in front of friends or family, or even the mirror if you have to. This allows you to see the reaction from others before going into the audition.
  • Listen carefully and follow any instructions youre given, but also try and have an original take on the part so they remember your performance.
  • Asking questions shows youre engaged and have initiative, but dont ask too many questions – casting directors dont have all day to chat.
  • You dont need to be in character for the entire audition – the casting director needs to see the ‘real you, as well.


  • Be co-operative: follow any instructions, ask for direction if you need it, and avoid any conflict or dramas.
  • When attending meetings or castings, go for a fresh, natural look. Dont overdo the make-up or hair styling.
  • Dress comfortably – dont be sloppy, but slim-fit jeans, boots, and a tailored jacket should work fine.
  • Carry your portfolio with you (and your comp card, if you have one) in case anyone needs to see it.