MAx Talents Beat the Winter Blues

The weather is definitely a little bit frightful these days. Follow these simple things and beat the winter blues!!

Stay active. Whether its outside skating, tobaganing, or inside with your friends for a night of Just Dance 2015, this will help boost Serotonin, which will help keep your mood up. It also helps keep you warm as your moving.

Find things you can enjoy. Wether its curling up on the couch with a book, going out for a meal or coffee with a friend, or renting your favorite movie. These things all help remind us that there are things to enjoy even if its too cold to be outdoors.

Buy and eat fesh produce. It may be a pain to get to the grocery store but eating fresh fruits and vegetables can definitely help increase your mood as well as your metabolism!

Get Cultured. There are plenty of museums, art galleries, plays and other things  going on in the city. It may not be nice getting there but once you are there you will learn so much more than you ever could, or your mind could escape for a few hours. Enjoy it.

When all is said and done, get up and do something. Winter designs our bodies to go into hybernation when its blistering cold. The more we cna keep active the easier it is to counter those feelings! So Lets go!!