Tag Archives: talent showcase

Kids Modelling Talent Showcase Saturday: Jackson R.

Welcome back to Showcase Saturday here at MAX Agency —  a successful Toronto modelling agency representing men, women and children.

This week we’ll be showcasing an adorable talent on our roster:  Jackson R!

An introduction to Jackson:

Jackson is 4 years old, turning 5 on May 22nd. He is half Jamaican half Grenadian living in the suburbs (905) but loves coming into the city for auditions! He is currently attending a full French language school and working hard at becoming fully bilingual.

How he was introduced to modelling/acting:

Jackson started modelling with MAX at the age of 2! He loves taking pictures and is not shy so his mom decided that modelling might be a good option for him. He has loved it ever since!

How his experience has been with MAX:

Jackson has had an amazing experience with MAX so far! His favourite shoot to date has been for Canal Toys, taking photos for power dough! 

How he likes to spend his spare time:

In his spare time, Jackson loves to swim, play soccer, improve on his karate skills and TRAVEL! His favourite trips have been on cruise ships!

Jackson has also recently started to learn to code at The Curiosity Lab! He is currently working on his first video game!

His dream role:

My dream role would be any role in a superhero movie! I love superheroes!” 

Best advice for a newcomer in the industry:

Best advice would maybe be to try it! There are opportunities for everyone and even if you dont get it, auditions are so much fun!”

Its been such a joy having Jackson on our roster of talent. Such a special and spunky kid!

If you are as outgoing and full of life as Jacksonapply to join our roster now!

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster!

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Showcase Saturday – Iris G.

Welcome back to Showcase Saturday here at MAX Agency —  a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children.

This week we’ll be showcasing a special talent on our roster: 

 Iris G.!

An introduction to Iris:

“I grew up in Vietnam but my background is Chinese. Im working in the customer service field.”

Why did you decided to pursue modelling/acting?

“I like modelling and acting because being different characters is a fun way to discover my true self.

How has your experience with MAX been so far?

“I only went to one audition but unfortunately I didnt get the role. It was still a great experience.”

What do you like to do in your spare time?

“I like reading philosophy books, painting flowers and hiking.”

What is your dream role?

“My dream role is a person who is giving up the past and seeking a dream.”

What is the best advice youve received for working in the industry?

“The best advice Ive received is “dont try to fit yourself into a role, fit the role onto you.””

If you want to pursue your dream like Iris, apply to join our roster now!

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster!

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Tammylee & Shep -Showcase Saturday

“Tammylee approached, the scout looked at her then looked at Shep and said “Are you two together? Because we like her look too!”. The rest is history.””

Welcome back to Showcase Saturday here at MAX Agency —  a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children.

In honour of National Spouses Day on January 26th, we will be featuring the lovely couple: Tammylee and Shep!

An introduction to Tammylee and Shep:

“Were a late forty-ish going on nineteen-ish couple. We are both originally from Montreals South Shore. About twenty years ago Shep, who is a police officer, received a lateral transfer and we moved to the Ottawa region. Tammylee teaches yoga and has recently incorporated a small business specializing in Keto diet products. We have two adult sons who are (sappy cliché alert) the centre of our universe. They are both lovely people and we enjoy just being around them.

In terms of our heritage, we recently had both sets of our parents DNA analyzed and, as we suspected, we are terminally Caucasian. We are a delightful white bread mix of English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Norwegian, German, etc. Yup, not very colourful, but were proud.”

Photo by Ashley Fraser 
How they met:

“We met through a blind date which was organized by Tammylees best friend and Sheps best friend who were dating at the time. That was just over thirty years ago, and we have been together ever since. Gotta say Montreal is the perfect city in which to fall in love. We are each others best friend, supporter, advocate, …. We are the ultimate team, and literally make our sons nauseous with our displays of affection – nothing a wee bit o therapy cant fix. We once saw an inscription on a bench in Central Park which read More Than Yesterday – Less Than Tomorrow that pretty much sums up how we feel for each other as we enter our fourth decade of, well, love.”

How they got into modelling/acting:

“As for modeling and acting, full disclosure right up front: we are brand new to this! It was only a few months ago that we were both in Toronto for business and we had our first contact with MAX Agency.

Shep was waiting for Tammylee outside of a store in the Eaton Center when he was approached by a scout who just walked up to him and said “We like your look…”. Now, Shep is a cop, and anyone who walks up to him in such a manner is subject to; on a good day, suspicion; on a bad day, arrest. Fortunately for all involved the scout promptly convinced Shep of her authenticity. As the two spoke, Tammylee emerged from the store and noticed Shep talking to another, attractive, woman. Tammylee approached, the scout looked at her then looked at Shep and said “Are you two together? Because we like her look too!”. The rest is history.”

Photo by Ashley Fraser
How they spend their spare time:

“Our spare time is filled with physical activities such as hiking, yoga, swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding and spending time with family and friends.”

Photo by Ashley Fraser
Favourite thing about each other:

Tammylees favourite thing about Shep is his compassion, sensitivity and of course his sense of humour, “Im still laughing after 30 wonderful years!” Sheps favourite things about Tammylee are her selflessness, intelligence, moral compass, patience, and the fact that he is one of her favourite things.

Advice for anyone going into the business:

“Just be yourself!”


Tammylee and Shep truly are “couple goals”!

If you and your spouse have an interest in modelling/acting like Tammylee and Shep, apply to join our roster now: http://www.maxagency.com/application/socials.php

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/