Tag Archives: talent feature

Talent Showcase Saturday – Sean D.

Welcome back to Showcase Saturday here at MAX Agency —  a successful Toronto acting agency representing men, women and children.

This week we’ll be showcasing a handsome and kind talent on our roster: Sean D.!

An introduction to Sean:

“My name is Sean Duncan. I’m European and I’m from Windsor, Ontario. I suffer from autism so I moved to different schools quite frequently. I’ve worked as a legal assistant.”

How did you get into modelling/acting?

“I got into acting and modelling by submitting pictures to MAX agency. Dalia was kind enough to invite me for a meeting and the meeting went well and I signed a contract. MAX Agency has been amazing. I’ve had three auditions and my most memorable was Project Silent Witness.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

“My hobbies are basketball, football and acting. My true passion is acting.”

What advice would you give someone getting into the industry?

“My best advice for someone trying to get into the industry is to contact an agent and practice. Practice makes perfect.

What would be your dream role?

“I’ve had a rough life because of my autism so my dream role would be to play a troubled bad boy. I’m taller than average with blue eyes and blonde hair so I’d make a great bad boy in the acting industry.”

In conclusion:

“I want to thank MAX Agency and my agent Dalia for giving me this amazing opportunity and I looking forward to working with you guys. Thank you.”


Do you have a passion for acting like Sean? Apply to join our roster now!

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto acting agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster!

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Talent Showcase Saturday: Mckenna B!

“Auditions go super smoothly, all you need to do is just go in there with confidence.”

Welcome back to Showcase Saturday here at MAX Agency —  a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children.

This week we’ll be showcasing a beautiful up and coming talent on our roster: Mckenna B.!

An introduction to Mckenna:

“My name’s Mckenna Byfield. I have been a volleyball player for about 7 years. My background is Canadian and Jamaican. I was born and raised in Canada. I currently attend Anderson Collegiate in Whitby.”

How did you get into modelling/acting?

“I have been told a few times that I should get into the modelling/acting industry and one day, I decided that I should look into it and here I am today!”

How do you like to spend your spare time?

“In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with friends, listening to music or playing volleyball.”

What is the best advice for someone getting into the industry?

“The best advice I have for someone getting into the industry is to simply pursue your dreams. I have struggled with anxiety at auditions and things like that sometimes trigger my anxiety but just know, you will most likely overthink what’s going to happen. Auditions go super smoothly, all you need to do is just go in there with confidence. My biggest tip is to have fun. Modelling/acting might not necessarily be for you and that’s absolutely fine- do what makes you happy!”


Have you been told you should model/act like Mckenna? Apply to join our roster now!

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster!

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Talent Showcase Saturday: Charlie R.

“But I always knew that what I really wanted to do was act and model. So here I am, signed with MAX Agency, and Ive never been happier.”


Welcome back to Showcase Saturday here at MAX Agency —  a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children.

This week we’ll be showcasing a sporty and passionate talent on our roster: Charlie R!


An introduction to Charlie:

“My first passion in life was sports. I grew up in a family of athletes and thats just what we did. After high school I took Journalism at Durham College for a year but I always knew that what I really wanted to do was act and model. So here I am, signed with MAX Agency, and Ive never been happier.”

How did you get into acting/modelling?

“My girlfriend at the time told me that instead of dreaming of being an actor or model, just put yourself out there and stop being so hesitant. I havent looked back since.”

How has your experience been with MAX so far?

“The experience I have had with MAX has been excellent. I have learned so much about the industry and have had so much fun pursuing my dream while having amazing support from everyone at the agency.”

How do you like to spend your free time?

“In my spare time I love to play golf, watch sports, watch movies, and spend time with my family.”

What would your dream role be?

“My dream role would be to play James Bond.”

Whats your advice to someone new to the industry?

“The best advice I could give to anyone aspiring to be an actor or model is to not be afraid of criticism. Fear can hold people back from a lot of things, but as long as youre not afraid of being criticized by people and not take it personally, you never know when youll be discovered.”

If you are as passionate about acting and modelling as Charlieapply to join our roster now!

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster!

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