Tag Archives: tip tuesday

#TipTuesday: Don’t Let Rejection Discourage You from Acting

#TipTuesday is a series Max Agency — a successful model and talent management agency in Canada  — will be doing every week where we share helpful tips for the industry! This could be tips on auditions, bookings, and more!

This week’s tip is: Dont let rejection discourage you. Keep persevering and the role you are meant for will come along! 

It comes with the territory.

Rejection is inevitable in the acting and modelling industries. Casting Directors sometimes see hundreds of people for the same role so the odds of landing them can be low. However, that does not mean that you should give up acting for good, even if its been a few weeks, months or YEARS since you booked a job!

Now some people may get into acting or modelling for the wrong reasons aka fame and fortune. But if you really are passionate about what youre doing (or trying to do) then why give up so easily?

Try mixing things up!

It doesnt hurt to try new things to bring back your motivation. Maybe thats attending a new acting class or moving to a new city to audition! Having different surroundings and different people to interact with could bring back the inspiration for your craft!

Have a Plan B in case

Theres nothing wrong with having a plan B or C or even D. In fact, that would be a smart thing to do. However, you can still find time for acting along with your back up plan. Auditions normally take around 20 minutes and along with commute time, were taking an hour or two– tops! Managing an acting life and a real life is perfectly normal for most actors, as many Max Agency talent would tell you.

A-List Celebs Can Relate

Some of the most well known names in Hollywood have dealt with so much rejection that they nearly quit acting altogether. In fact, superstar Kristen Stewart is one of them!

According to an interview with ET, Kristen said, “I decided a year after not getting any commercials, F*ck it. I wont make my mom drive around Los Angeles anymore.” If she had quit then, she never would have been casted as Bella Swan in the Twilight Saga and had her career launched from there.

Many other famous actors have stories such as this one including: Bradley Cooper, Claire Danes, Robert Pattinson, and Chris Hemsworth.


For more weekly tips, be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter and tune in every week to the blog!

To see our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

#TipTuesday: “Listening is everything,” says Meryl Streep

#TipTuesday is a series Max Agency — a successful model and talent management agency in Canada representing menwomen and children — does every week where we share helpful tips for the industry! This could be tips on auditions, bookings, and more!

This week’s tip comes from the legendary actress Meryl Streep:

“Listening is everything. Listening is the whole deal. That’s what I think. And I mean that in terms of before you work, after you work, in between work, with your children, with your husband, with your friends, with your mother, with your father. It’s everything. And it’s where you learn everything.”

Our interpretation of this quote is simple. You must always be paying attention to the people and things happening around you in order to become a better actor and a better person. When you understand how and why people are the way they are, you are able to portray them that much better on screen.

Meryl Streep is known as one of the best actresses of all time. She has been nominated for 21 Academy Awards, winning 3 times. She has also been nominated for 31 Golden Globes, winning 8!

Streep began her acting career in theatre before eventually transitioning onto screen.  Since then she has received 83 acting credits, including Julia, The Devil Wears Prada and The Iron Lady.

For more weekly tips, be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter and tune in every week to the blog!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php