Tag Archives: acting advice

Toronto Acting Agency – Toronto Talent Agency – Tip Tuesday – What To Wear For An Audition

Auditions sometimes have specific clothing instructions, which you should follow. But generally, there are no hard rules for auditions; whether it is a self-tape or in-person audition. Below are a few guidelines on what to wear so that your acting skills can shine. 

Toronto acting agency – Toronto talent agency – tip Tuesday – what to wear for an audition

1. Check if There Are Specific Instructions About Clothing

If your auditions guidelines include instructions for clothing, follow them. You may be asked to wear a full suit or athletic clothing, for example.  Make sure that you are wearing what theyve asked for, as you will not even be considered for the role if you do not.

2. Do Not Wear Clothing With Distractions

You want to keep the focus on you and your acting skills. Do not distract your audience by wearing clothing with graphics, patterns, words, or pictures on it.

Also, avoid wearing any clothes that are revealing as well as jewelry. You want the focus to be on your face. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that will allow you to give your best performance.

Go for simple, plain, unicolor pieces of clothing to make your outfit.

3. Choose a Color That Will Be Visible Against the Background

It is not a problem if your clothing matches the background, but it can be distracting. In the case that it is an in-person audition and you do not know what the background is, avoid going for colors such as black or white as it is common for backgrounds to be in these colors.

4. Keep the Effect of the Lighting in Mind

Under certain lights, folds of dark-colored clothing can be hard to see. Your body movements are then not clearly visible. This is especially important for self-tape auditions.

Before starting to film your self-tape, test out a short clip and move around to make sure that movement is visible. Testing the lighting and sound of your video is more important than what you are wearing anyway.

5. No Hats or Glasses

Hats are not only distracting, they can also hide how your head looks, and depending on the hat, it can create shadows on your face. 

Glasses can also hide your features and facial expressions. Unless you have glasses in your headshots, do not wear glasses for your audition. You may choose to wear contacts if you need them.

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto modeling agency representing menwomen and children. MAX provides talent for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

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Toronto Acting Agency – Toronto Talent Agency – Tip Tuesday – Voice Projection

Voice projection involves controlling the distance that your voice travels as well as its volume and pitch. Clarity and a well-rounded voice help it to command more attention. Good voice projection is a skill that actors need.

Voice projection is not the same as yelling. Yelling can hurt your voice and damage your vocal chords over time.  If voice projection is something that you struggle with, it is luckily a skill that can be worked on.

Toronto Acting Agency – Toronto talent agency – Voice projection tips

1. Practice Breathing Exercises

Just like musical instruments, your voice needs air to project. To have better control of your voice, learn to breathe through your diaphragm. Practice the “HA” exercise by taking a deep breath in while expanding the belly, and then force out all the air on a “ha”. 

The sound will be loud and clear, without putting a strain on your vocal chords. As you practice this more, do the alphabet every time that you breathe out, and soon, you will have the strong voice that you are after.

2. Relax Your Jaw and Throat

Your voice travels through your throat and jaw. For it to sound its best, these channels must be relaxed. Yawning is a great exercise to relax those muscles before a performance. 

3. Correct Your Posture

A bad posture closes you up which makes it difficult for your diaphragm to expand correctly when you breathe. For optimal voice projection, keep your spine straight, your head facing forward, and the crown of the head parallel to the ceiling.

4. Be Confident

A lack of confidence will cause slight tremors in your voice and reduce its power. Confidence will not only help your voice projection but also your performance. The most effective way to improve confidence during a performance is to know your lines really well and to practice speaking in front of a crowd often.

5. Warm-Up

Create a good warm-up routine to do before every performance. Do a physical warm-up routine including movements such as some jumping jacks or dynamic stretches. A relaxed body will allow you to use your vocal muscles better. Have a warm-up routine for your voice as well, with some tongue twisters and breathing exercises.

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto modeling agency representing menwomen and children. MAX provides talent for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

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Toronto acting Agency – Toronto Talent Agency – Tip Tuesday – How to Practice Acting By Yourself At Home

Practicing acting by yourself may seem like it is not worthwhile, but actually, it can be the perfect opportunity to do acting exercises. Below are a few of our favourites.

1. Practice Your Lines While Doing Everyday Tasks

You have to do your chores anyway, so why not practice your lines while doing them? If you know your lines well when multi-tasking, you will know them and it will sound effortless when all your focus is on performing. Start with something easier like folding your laundry and then level up to more complex tasks such as cooking.

2. Record your scene partners lines

If the scene involves more than one person speaking, record yourself doing their lines and then use that recording to practice.

3. Do everyday tasks in character with or without lines

Body language is a big part of good acting. How would Jack Sparrow doing the dishes differ from James Bond doing the same? Practice the posture, gait, facial expressions, pace, and hand movements of different characters while doing your chores.

Toronto Acting Agency – Toronto Talent Agency – Tip Tuesday – Practice acting at home

4. Physically Acting Out Your Moment Before

This is an acting exercise that you may heard of to add depth to your performance. Think of the backstory of your scene, and act out what your character was doing right before. For example, if in a scene, your character is at home telling their partner that they had a long day- act out the moment before where your partner came home and sat down with relief from the tiring day. 

Try different scenarios. There are many possibilities for what might have happened before your first line, and they can really affect your character’s thoughts, feelings, and actions in your scene. Physically acting out those “moments before” can help you notice those effects more clearly. 

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto modeling agency representing menwomen and children. MAX provides talent for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

For weekly MAX Agency news, updates, and Industry tips, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

If you want to join our rosterapply here.

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