Tag Archives: Max Agency

Max Agency Featured New Talent: Stacey S! – Toronto Modeling Agencies

Max Agency – one of the most successful Toronto modeling agencies- is pleased to introduce our new talent: Stacey S!

“I have a background in nursing and finances and have always found that there was something missing. Just recently, I had a job opportunity to move to Toronto. This is where all my dreams came true.”

“I started a career where I was able to pursue my passion for travelling and see the genuine world we live in. With that came the best opportunity of all, the day I got scouted to work with Max Agency. Ever since I was about 6 yrs old, I have always
dreamed of being a model or actress and to be one of those flawless and beautiful women on the face of magazines and TV shows.”

“Max Agency has made a life long dream a reality. They have brought out the confidence in me to truly shine in this career. With no prior experience, I am so eager and ecstatic to shine bright like a diamond.”

“I am delighted and honoured to be a part of such a wonderful and inspiring community. I recently moved form Calgary, AB about 2 months ago. I was looking for a dramatic change and for amazing opportunities that a huge city like Toronto has.

“With the support of my friends and family back in Calgary, I am so excited and proud to call Toronto my new home and my journey here has been nothing but exciting! Moral of this short story, keep dreaming, not scheming!”

If you are as determined and optimistic about acting/modelling opportunities as Stacey, apply to join our roster now: http://www.maxagency.com/application.php


For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

Max Agency Intern Reflects on Her Experience

An introduction to Jordyn:

“Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Jordyn Rochwerg and I was the Max Agency intern this summer. My experience at Max Agency taught me many useful skills and life lessons that I’d love to share with anyone interested in working in the film industry.

I am a student at the University of British Columbia going into my fourth year in the Film Studies program. I am also in the Masters of Management program, which helps me couple my interest in film with a degree in business.”

Why she chose to do an internship with MAX:

“During the last few years, I’ve had experiences in various departments within the industry such as casting, marketing, editing and production. The purpose of my journey is to try to acquire as much knowledge and training of the various aspects of the industry in order for me to learn what I love doing the most. Talent management was something that I never had much knowledge of, which is what drew me toward Max Agency. Additionally, Max Agency has such a diverse roster of talented individuals, which I find inspiring for anyone who wants to work in the industry, but is discouraged by their age or appearance.”

Her experience at MAX:

My main duties at Max Agency required me to assist the booking agent with her daily tasks. This taught me how to exercise my organizational, teamwork and communication skills. During my time with the booking agent, I was also able to gain insight into the lives of many of Max Agency’s wonderful talent. Max Agency has an incredible roster of talented individuals who work extremely hard everyday to achieve their goals. Their dedication and commitment is very inspirational. I love coming in to the office and hearing about all the auditions and projects that our talent have booked!

If I can take anything away from my time at Max Agency, it would be the attributes required to become successful in this industry. At any talent management company, there is a great deal of communication involved, whether it be with talent or casting agents. During my time at Max Agency, I truly enjoyed communicating with individuals who are kind, patient and have positive attitudes. I believe that having these three qualities will shine a light on the true talent of a person. As long as you are kind, patient and positive, you will have nothing to worry about.

Lastly, working at Max Agency was so much fun! The best part of the job is watching other people achieve their dreams. Acting is fun and I loved hearing about experiences whether it be from set or from the audition room. Smiling is contagious and if our talent is happy and having fun then so are we! So don’t forget to smile and enjoy yourself because it makes everyone else happy too! 😀”

Thank you for being such an amazing intern, Jordyn! We wish you luck and success with the remainder of your studies! – Max Team

Opportunities at Max:

We are always looking for ambitious interns/volunteers for our bookings department. This is unpaid. Ideally its best to recruit students that are required to complete hours for school.

We are also looking to update our fall and winter model/actor roster and as such are looking for brand ambassadors/scouts that are outgoing and reliable; this is a paid position.


If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

MAX Talent Receives Callback Audition for VR Commercial!

Max Agency is a successful model and talent management agency in Canada representing menwomen and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

Our talent Ethan H. received a callback for Project VR (Commercial). This was Ethans first audition with Max, so we are thrilled to see it went well!

One step closer to being booked! Good luck, Ethan!

To find out if our talent get booked,  be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter and tune in every week to the blog!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php