Tag Archives: actor tips

Differences Between Acting for the Screen vs Theatre

Wondering what the subtle differences are between acting for the stage versus the screen? Keep reading!


While there are many skills needed to perform for the screen and the theatre which are the same, there remain a few differences as well. MAX Agency primarily represents talent for screen acting projects however, many of our actors are equipped for both. Today we will be discussing the different techniques and requirements for each type of acting!


Audience –> Facial Expressions and Body Language


One of the biggest differences between stage and screen acting is the placement of the audience which essentially dictates everything else. For theatre, the stage tends to be far away from the audience, therefore the actors have be louder and more expressive. They have to ensure that even the people in the furthest row back are able to understand whats happening on stage. This is best done through how you deliver lines and your body movements as the majority of the audience wont be able to see your face that well.

On screen, the actors are being filmed by cameras which are only a few feet from them or sometimes closer. This causes their performances to be a lot more subtle and natural. Along with all of the editing, background music and other effects, it is best for these actors not to overreact like theatre actors as there is already so much going on. Facial expressions also are a lot more important when doing a scene on screen as its the main focus of the audience.

More Acting Tips!

Material –> What the audience expects from you


Another big difference between the two types of acting is the material youre working with. In theatre, the material is quite repetitive as its the same script being performed every show. In addition, the more popular shows performers are expected to act a certain way when they are playing iconic roles. There is no going off the script here, in fact it is frowned upon.

On the other hand, scripts for TV or film are constantly changing, even during the filming process. In this case, audiences are always expecting something new from the show and performers so there is more freedom. The actors are encouraged to try different things in each take to see what works best and sometimes even improvise. 

Features on MAX Agencys actors!

Process and Preparation


This has been hinted at previously, but the preparation needed for theatre actors versus screen actors is also quite different. Stage actors require many hours of preparation before the run of the show begins. Hours of rehearsals to memorize the entirety of their lines, cues, choreography, etc. There are no second takes once they start performing; they can not make any mistakes!

TV and film actors have the ability to make mistakes if they need to because they can simply redo the take. These actors still have preparation to do but on a much smaller scale. A larger challenge these actors have to face is often needing to record scenes out of order so keeping track of the story and your character is more of a challenge.

In the end, both types of acting require immense skill and hard work in different ways. Let us know which type of actor you are?

Sources: x, x


MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

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On Set Etiquette for New Actors

If you are a beginner wondering how you should behave on set, MAX Agency has the tips for you!


MAX Agency is a successful model and talent management agency in Canada. MAX represents seasoned actors who have worked in the industry before while also taking on new talent. The development agents work with the new models and actors to ensure they are prepared when they start working. 

When our talent is faced with their first booking, we want to make sure they know what to expect and how to behave. Thats why this week were sharing the Basic On Set Etiquette for Actors!


Listen to the instructions given to you.

Before you attend a shoot, a list of instructions will be sent to you either from your agent or directly from a production contact. You will be told how to have your hair, makeup and what wardrobe to bring if necessary. Be sure to follow the instructions given to you to ensure no time is wasted once you get to set. If your makeup or hair need to be redone, it could effect the entire schedule for the rest of the shoot which is not a good thing.

Show up early.

Everyone is given a call time and you need to make sure youre on set by that time or before. There are a lot of moving parts to a commercial, TV or film shoot and you being late could have negative implications for the entire days schedule.

Be prepared.

If you have a speaking role, memorize the script you are given before you show up to set. Knowing all of your lines and cues shows you are professional and ensures all of the scenes run smoothly. This will give you a good reputation and make more people want to work with you in the future!

Stay out of actors eye-lines.

This is to ensure you are not a distraction to the other performers. When you are not in the scene currently being shot, make sure to stay behind the monitor so you do not distract the other actors.

Be quiet and still when the cameras rolling and its not your scene.

After you hear “action” and the cameras are rolling, you must be still and silent so you dont disrupt the filming process. If the cameras are able to pick up the sound of you talking or moving around, the crew is not going to be happy with you for causing the retakes.

Confused about some of the acting terminology you hear? Check out this post!

Turn your cell phone off.

Another possible disruption issue could be unwelcome sounds from your cell phone. Make sure it is either turned off or on silent if you are using it during your down time.

Be polite and professional.

Once you nail the audition and book the project, that doesnt mean youre still not getting judged. You want to treat everyone with respect and be as courteous as possible to build a good reputation for yourself. People want to work with someone who has talent while also being a professional on set. At the end of the day, this is still a job and you could be replaced at any time.

Do not bring extra people to set.

Children, of course, are allowed to have a parent or guardian with them on set. However, if you are an adult you should not be bringing your family and friends.

Read more about the on set experience of MAX Agencys actors and models!

Do not touch any equipment unauthorized.

This one is sort of a given, but as an actor you should not be touching any of the technical equipment you see on set such as cameras, lighting, electrical cords, etc. On a similar note, be wary of where you are stepping to ensure you dont accidentally move or unplug anything.

Do not talk about money or payment.

Another aspect of staying professional is keeping your payment details to yourself. You could be making more than another actor or less and its best to avoid any drama surrounding this to ensure everyone has the best time possible on set. 

See what projects MAX talent have been booked on recently!

Be patient. 

There is most likely going to be a lot of waiting around for the crew members to do their jobs in between takes such as setting up the lighting, sound and playing back previous takes. As an actor, you will have to stay close by waiting for these things to be done before its time to act again. Take the time to mentally rehearse your next scene or bond with your costars.

If you do not understand a direction, ask for clarification.

It is better to ask the director a question than stay clueless and not know what to do in a scene. While you may be intimidated by someone like the director, its better to show that you care about your performance and want to fully understand your role.


Do not stop a take.

Unless you were physically hurt, do not make the decision to stop a take. Even if you feel like you made a mistake, keep doing the scene in case no one else noticed or they are still able to use the footage. It is only the director who should be deciding to cut a scene or not.


These are some of the most important things to remember for your first booking on a professional set, whether its for a smaller commercial project or larger film. If theres anything else the new actors or models on our roster would like to learn about, let us know!

Sources: x, x, x

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Tip Tuesday: Set Realistic Goals for Your Career

#TipTuesday is a series MAX Agency — one of the top Toronto talent agencies  — does every week where we share helpful tips for the industry. This could be tips on auditions, bookings, beauty, fashion and more!

This week’s tip is: Set realistic goals for your career!

Setting goals that are too large will only cause you to be unmotivated when you dont achieve them. Start small and simple such as landing a part in a local production, signing with an agent or getting your head shots done!
Each of these smaller goals is something that deserves your attention and you should be proud of accomplishing. Beginning your career with the expectations of being in the next Marvel film or Netflix hit series right away will only lead to disappointment. 
MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php