This weeks Talent Spotlight is MAX Toronto talent, Adam R.
Toronto Talent Agency – Toronto Acting Agency – Adam R.
Adam got involved with entertainment since his first school play in Grade 3. He was the lead, and his aunt was the only one who was able to see it. Her rave review of his performance solidified his aspirations to become an actor.
He went through the Second City Conservatory Program in 2004, then performed stand-up comedy and sketch comedy around the GTA with his old troupe Clambake. He even hosted his own stand-up series on GogecoTV23 in Burlington for one season.
Toronto talent agency – Toronto acting agency – Adam R
I really started to focus on my acting career in 2015, starting off volunteering in film school projects and an episode of Paranormal Survivor, eventually getting my first commercial for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese after my first audition. My friend saw it play in a movie theatre in LA. If you’ve ever seen the commercial where the dad jumps into a bounce castle and it deflates on him? That’s me! I dislocated my shoulder on the first attempt and didn’t tell anybody. Popped it back in myself. I am a professional! 😉
Since then, Adam has been in commercials for Reese’s, American Express, and Labatt, corporate videos for Home Depot and CNN, and voice work for CBC Kids and Nickelbrook Brewery.
Toronto talent agency – Toronto acting agency – Adam R.
A few years ago, Adam returned to school at 39 years old, and last year graduated from Sheridan College with a diploma in Visual and Creative Arts.
I have always been interested in animation, and have been learning to create my own cartoons online. I hope to one day be a consistently working actor. If I can make a sustaining career out of doing what I love, I would be thrilled. Being on set, working things out, and making the crew laugh is home to me.
In my spare time I love to cook! I cure and smoke my own bacon, brine entire chickens with exciting and experimental recipes, and make a pulled pork so coveted by my family they get mad when I don’t give them any!
Toronto talent agency – Toronto acting agency – Adam R.
Did you know that MAX Agency is always seeking new models and actors to fill roles in commercials, TV series/film, and print? Don’t wait another day to pursue your dreams, get discovered by MAX today!
For more weekly MAX news, updates, announcement, and industry tips, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency.
Kaori has been with MAX for 7 months and has already gotten 15 auditions and 4 bookings! We are happy to feature her on the blog today to share her experience.
Toronto Acting Agency – Toronto Talent Agency – Kaori N.
Kaori was born in Tokyo, Japan and moved to Toronto with her parents when she was 9 years old. She spoke no word of English and had to attend ESL classes for the first two years of elementary school in Canada. She was a competitive pianist since childhood, so she continued her study in music into post-secondary education.
After completing school, she did not feel quite ready to settle into a career. So she went backpacking to various destinations inAfrica and Europe. Her most memorable trips include trekking Mt Kilimanjaro, numerous safari in Tanzania and Kenya, and even the then war-torn Serbia. She even lived in Austria for a year as she enjoyed being away from home.
Toronto Acting Agency – Toronto Talent Agency – Kaori N.
After the fun 20s, she spent her 30s and 40 s in the event planning/hospitality industry, managing and executing weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and corporate events. She then decided to pursue her long-held dream of helping other women in midlife get stronger and healthier. She obtained her personal training certification and she now trains women one-on-one via Zoom.
Check out her personal training business, Daily Flex – A personal Fitness Company here.
Kaori: I was always interested in modelling, but back in the 80s (when I was a teen) I was either not slim enough, tall enough, or the industry was not quite as inclusive yet for non-caucasians. I considered taking acting lessons but back then I was self-conscious of my English-as-second-language accents in my speech. Fast-forward into the year 2021, in the middle of one of the covid pandemic lockdowns, I sent my photos to Max Agency – just to see “what might happen.” After all, I felt that the society had become much more inclusive of the older population (Im 51) and non-caucasion ethnicities, I thought that I might have a chance at securing a job or two!
MAX: How has your experience been with MAX? Any memorable moments from set?
Kaori: A recent shoot for an upcoming theatrical-release film was a great experience! They took my head cast to design facial prosthetics for my role! More inspiring was about working with a team of hard-working and talented crew – I miss working with them now that the shoot has wrapped, and am keeping my fingers crossed that I will get to work with them again in the near future.
Toronto Acting Agency – Toronto Talent Agency – Kaori N.
MAX: What is your dream role?
Kaori: Id love to be cast as a futuristic humanoid robot in Westworld in a battle scene. Or a Pepto-Bismol commercial and sing or dance along to its catchy jingle! I would also love a chance at fitness modelling or be featured as an editorial/catalogue model for any one of my favourite fitness attire brands.
MAX: What is the best advice that you have received about getting into the industry?
Kaori:Dont overact. Expand your network.
Toronto Acting Agency – Toronto Talent Agency – Kaori N.
Did you know that MAX Agency is always seeking new models and actors to fill roles in commercials, TV series/film, and print? Don’t wait another day to pursue your dreams, get discovered by MAX today!
For more weekly MAX news, updates, announcement, and industry tips, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency.
An important quality to possess to be successful in the acting and modeling industry is confidence. We are sharing 5 quick tips to boost your confidence.
As kids, we have big dreams and we believe that we can conquer the world. As we are exposed to different influences while going through life, we begin to develop self-limiting beliefs. Discover your inner child again by pushing through uncomfortable situations. You will be amazed at all that you are capable of!
When those bad memories of times that you were uncomfortable comes back to haunt you, try to see it in a new perspective, in a more positive light. Turn the bad memories into positives!
3. Tell yourself encouraging words. An effective mental hack is to convince yourself that you can accomplish that daunting task.
4. Have a list of 5 things that make you happy. whenever you have negative thoughts, remind yourself of them to boost your mood.
5. Face your fears. Start small and do something that scares you regularly. Each time that you face a fear, you will be less scared of the next and you will feel more confident for the auditions that you are anxious about.
Go on and live your dreams!
MAX Agency is a successful Toronto modelling agency representing men, women and children. MAX has been successfully providing Talent for the Film, Television, Fashion and Advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events for over 20 years.
Did you know that MAX Agency is always seeking new models and actors to fill roles in commercials, TV series/film, and print? Don’t wait another day to pursue your dreams, get discoveredby MAX today!
For more weekly MAX news, updates, announcement, and industry tips, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency.