Tag Archives: photography

Model Agency Toronto – Modeling Toronto – Tip Tuesday – How To Pose For Photos

Posing for photos can be intimidating, whether you are taking them for your personal social media page or starting a modeling career. While working with a professional photographer, you will be directed on how to pose, but what about when you are posing on your own without direction?

1. Know Your Angles

The angle of the shot makes a huge difference. Try different angles to see what compliments your features the best and remember to practice them on your next shoot. 

For example, you can accentuate your legs in a full-body shot by having the camera just below eye level and facing slightly upward. For portraits, try a higher angle and snap a lot of photos until you get that sweet spot. 

– Model Agency Toronto – How to Pose – MAX talent – Alexandria A.

2. Check the Light

Light is your best friend in a photoshoot. Always turn your face towards the light, especially if it is natural light. It will brighten your face, blur out dark spots, and make you glow!

3. Relax

Be calm and relaxed. Your body language will show in your pose if your body is tensed. Remember to relax your body and your eyes, too.

4. Keep a Good Posture

Slouching makes you look insecure and frumpy. Stand up straight to look confident and powerful. It actually makes you feel more confident, so that will shine through your photos!

5. Move!

Especially when taking casual photos, instruct your camera person to take photo burst while you move around while posing. The best poses are actions caught in the perfect timing, and a photo with movement is more interesting.

6. Get Inspired

Look at models and influencers photos to find inspiration. Save for later when you are practicing posing. Adopt the ones that accentuate your features. 

MAX Agency is a successful Toronto modeling agency representing menwomen and children. MAX provides talent for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

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Tip Tuesday – Photo Angles

#TipTuesday is a series MAX Agency — one of the top Toronto talent agencies  — does every week where we share helpful tips for the industry. This could be tips on auditions, bookings, beauty, fashion and more!

Taking photos can be difficult!  Its hard to measure proper angles, lighting, etc.

Here are some secret tips from models and influencers to get that perfect shot:

Shannon Thaler

Thaler says, “When taking a full-body pic, I like to have the camera(wo)man hold the camera just below eye-level. A pic aimed ever-so-slightly upward makes for long lines—hello, legs!”

But she poses for a lot of portraits, too, and says that the best angles for your bod aren’t always the same for your face. “I find that taking a face shot from above gives the angles of my face more definition,” Thaler says. To master this, snap away! It’s all about finding that sweet spot and having lots of options.”

“I actually have a Pinterest board called ‘Insta Inspo’ where I pin pictures that I would love to have on my feed,” Thaler admits. “Having a set intention usually makes for a much more successful shoot—I already know what poses and mood to aim for.”

“Some of the best poses aren’t really poses at all, but actions caught in the perfect moment,” Thaler explains. “Take advantage of that and snap a burst.” See? Back to bursts. “A picture with movement is always more interesting and fun to take…and fun to look at,” she adds.

Isabella Carr

Carr tells us to “always turn your face toward the light, especially if it’s natural sunlight. This brightens your face and makes you glow, which kind of results in your blemishes being blurred away!” (And let’s be real—if there’s one thing we’d like to achieve with our closeup, it’s to look blemish-free.)

“Never, never, never slouch!” Carr instructs. “It makes you look insecure and frumpy, and your belly will not look its best if you’re wearing a crop top. Always stand up straight. You will look confident, happy and all-around more beautiful.”

Carr reminds us that one of the keys to looking fab in photos is to make yourself appear elongated. “You can do this by standing on your tiptoes or by sticking a leg out when taking your full-body picture,” she suggests.

Kate Rooney

Rooney knows that the best way to look calm, cool and collected in your photos is to actually be calm, cool and collected. “Relax your body—your eyes, too. If you’re uptight and stressing, you’re not going to get the shot, and your body is going to emulate that,” Rooney says.

Rooney says one of the most important things to consider before shooting is what you’re going to wear. “Some outfits just don’t translate well on camera,” Rooney explains. “Wear colors and styles you knowlook good in photos.”

OK, this one’s a little tricky, but basically, greasy products make for shiny foreheads—and shiny foreheads cause your camera’s flash to bounce off your face instead of lighting it up, Rooney says. This isn’t a huge deal during the day (you know, when you’re not using flash). But if you’re aiming for a night photo op, consider what products you’re using on the front-end—and avoid any you know don’t make you look your best.

Rose Crombie

Most of us aren’t professional models, meaning we don’t always have a fancy camera on deck for our photoshoots. Crombie gets it, and her recommendation is to take “bursts” on your iPhone, instead.

To do so, simply ask your cameraperson to hold down the button instead of tapping it once. The result is, like, a gazillion photos that capture every single little movement you make in front of the camera. Afterward, you can choose the best ones. (Side note: This is great for when your “photographer” is actually just your impatient BF.)

“If you have one,” Crombie says. Some people are equally beautiful on both sides! But there are tons of us who feel more confident facing one way or the other. So if you got it (on the left, but not so much on the right), flaunt it.


MAX Agency is a successful Toronto talent agency representing men, women and children. MAX Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries.

For more weekly tips, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

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MAX Agency’s Carmelle M featured in Funkytown Photography

The stunning Carmelle M was recently chosen for a wedding photography project by the well-known Funkytown Photography. Funkytowns Christina was ranked number 2 for the PWPC Top Wedding Photographers of 2012.

Congratulations Carmelle!

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