Tag Archives: top principal tv and film

MAX Talent Auditioning for Project Cheese! – Principal TV and Film Agency

Max Agency is one of the top principal tv and film agencies in Toronto, representing men, women and children. Max Agency is involved in providing actors, models and entertainers for the film, television, fashion and advertising industries as well as appearance in trade shows, promotions and special events.

Today MAX would like to share that a group of our talent will be auditioning for a new commercial, Project Cheese!

Kylie G.

Amjad A.

Karyn B.

Adriano B.

Will the different roles available, we are feeling optimistic that our talent can get the booking! We are wishing them luck.

If you would like to see our talent for an audition, contact us: http://www.maxagency.com/contact.php

For more daily content, follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php

What Now – Evaluation

What Now? Welcome back to part two of What Now? A series that we are dedicating to be informative and fun. Each week well present you  with a step-by-step about the processes of talent and agent. 

Last week on What Now we went over the initial steps of applying to an agency. This included tips for the pictures to submit and where to submit (click this link here to access our application page). If you happened to have missed last weeks article, you can catch up HERE.

Part one. How to get into the modelling industry
click here for part 1.
Youve been invited to an evaluation, What Now?

So, youve submitted your photos, ( which are clear, free of props, and present your as your most natural self) and youve been lucky enough to get a call back from an agent. They are interested!  Thats amazing, huge hurdle for some, but youve gotten through it! Not so bad, right? Congratulations!

Second thing  you need to know is that the evaluation is like an interview. This is not the time to be “on”.  Be yourself! Honesty and clear communication with your agent makes for the best and easiest relationship.

question mark. how to be a model

When you first meet with an agent  there are a few specific things that they are looking for, mainly, the agent will want to get to know you, your personality and your disposition.

Just like your submitted photos, youll want to come to an evaluation as natural as possible.  It is advisable that you when you come to an evaluation with an agent that you avoid heavy makeup,  coloured contacts, and loose or baggy clothing. We want to see you in all your natural glory with out distractions.

This is a chance for your potential agent to get to know  you. Our agents at MAX have been representing talent for many years, and the top comment or request about our talent is  they are is a amiable, presentable and ambitious. Not only will you get along with your agent famously, but with a great attitude, youll also have a greater impact on casting directors and potential clients.

If the agent chooses to take you on, and you choose to be represented by the agent and subsequent company, youll learn and have explained and roles and responsibilities an agent and yourself have going forward.

What Now?

You rocked your evaluation! the next step will be coming back for an orientation! Tune in  next week when well go over what happens in the second meeting with your agent!

Want to inquire about talent for upcoming projects? Email: info@maxagency.com

Follow us, share and like more content we put out daily on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Never miss a moment with MAX Agency!

For more of our awesome talent check out our roster at http://www.maxagency.com/

If you want to become one of our talent, apply  here! http://www.maxagency.com/application.php