Easy Tips to Stay Fit

Keeping fit is essential to stay healthy and feel our best. It has a multitude of benefits that is not only limited to our physical wellbeing and appearance. It also helps us to deal with stress and have more energy. Yet, a lot of us find it to be a difficult task. 

Today, we are sharing 5 tips that are simple to incorporate into your lifestyle that will put you on the right track to a healthier body. 

1. Exercise Daily

You need moderate physical activity in your everyday life. Our bodies are built to be moving but nowadays, a lot of us spend most of the day at a desk.  Spend 30 minutes to an hour everyday to do your exercise of choice and your body wil be happier. Make sure that you are staying hydrated and stretching to avoid injuries. 

2. Eat the right foods and portion each meal

Start with the basics when it comes to eating healthy and work from there. Avoid sugar, eat your fruits and vegetables, stick to lean meats like turkey, chicken, and seafood.

Pay attention to the portion size of your meals. Go for six small portion meals a day instead of three big portions. This is easier on your digestive system, so you will not find yourself struggle to breathe during your workouts.

3. Get enough rest

Working out and eating well are great, but you also have to let your body rest and recover. Six to eight hours of sleep at night is ideal but if in the middle of the day you find yourself tired, take a short 30 minute nap!

4. Determination and motivation

Set specific goals for your fitness journey, make a plan on how you will achieve that, and stick to it. This will help to keep you determined and motivated to keep going until you achieve that goal. Once you do, set another goal!

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